
DUT-RU International 
of Information 
Science and Engineering

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  3. DUT-RU International School of Information Science and Engineering

The development of Asia-based global human resources

Dalian University of Technology-Ritsumeikan University (DUT-RU) International School of Information Science and Engineering is an international IT school (Approved in April 2013) that was co-established by the College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University and the School of Software, Dalian University of Technology in Dalian, Liaoning Province, China. The joint establishment and management of a school by Japan and China are the first time of its kind in Japan and are also the first time for a national university in China. The school is established under the system of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and is located in the Dalian Development Zone campus of Dalian University of Technology.

DUT-RU International School of Information Science and Engineering
210 people per grade (four-year system)
40 students per year will transfer to Ritsumeikan University as third-grade students and receive degrees (DUDP) from both Ritsumeikan University and Dalian University of Technology. The remaining students will obtain their degree from Dalian University of Technology.

Fundamental concept

  • Creation of an education model for developing global human resources in the IT field
  • Formation of an educational and research hub in East Asia, particularly the northeastern region of China
  • International industry-academia collaboration between Japanese/Chinese corporations and Ritsumeikan University/Dalian University of Technology

Development of global human resources through an Asia-based IT international education standard

School management

Management of this school is conducted jointly by Dalian University of Technology and Ritsumeikan University.
With Japan-China industry-academia collaboration and network formation as the pillar of the school, there are plans for consortium formation with cooperating companies, sponsored laboratories, acceptance of guest professors, a scholarship system, and international internship programs.

Management scheme through international industry-academia collaboration


The number of credits necessary to graduate from this school is 180(general subjects account for 68.5 credits, specialized foundation subjects for 52.5 credits, and specialized subjects for 59 credits)

Most of specialized subjects will be delivered in Japanese by faculty members of the College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University.