Message from the Dean
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MESSAGE Creating a Future with the Power of Information
In our lives today, information technology (IT) supports various services and products that surround us, including communication, home appliances, and entertainment, as well as social infrastructures such as transportation, energy, finance, and government. The evolution of IT continues at an accelerating pace, with high expectations for the development of new technologies in the field of IT research. To meet these social demands, the College of Information Science and Engineering (CISE) was founded in 2004, covering a wide range of IT-related fields as one of the largest informatics colleges in Japan. The current CISE consists of seven educational programs (or courses) in one department. The Information Systems Science and Engineering course (ISSE), which is one of seven courses in CISE, offers English-based education, where all classes are taught in English. In addition, the CISE has been relocated to the Osaka-Ibaraki campus, taking on the challenge of creating a new educational and research environment.
Students learn core subjects common to all courses, followed by specialized subjects offered in each course. Common subjects include Information Theory, Probability and Statistics, Logic Circuits, which cover the essential knowledge needed to understand advanced IT subjects. In learning specialized subjects, each student is allowed to pursue diverse studies based on his/her interests by taking subjects across the boundaries between courses. In addition, each student is assigned to a laboratory in the middle of the third year and starts graduation research work as a compilation of his/her study in CISE. Through the graduation research work for a one-and-half-year period, he/she puts into practice the knowledge and skills acquired so far and tackles his/her problem. After graduation, many students go on to the graduate school to extend his/her research.
The progress of globalization of society makes it essential for students to not only acquire specialized knowledge in their majors but also attain high English language skills. The CISE has unique overseas training programs in which students study cutting-edge IT in English or conduct internships in companies, sending students to the USA, Australia, New Zealand, India, China, and so on. Meanwhile, the CISE has jointly established the DUT-RU International School of Information Science and Engineering with the Dalian University of Technology in 2013, in addition to partnering with many other overseas universities to accept international students. International students and Japanese students study IT together with mutual interaction on campus with a rich harmony of multiculturalism, learning a global mindset by accepting different cultures.
Research at CISE is characterized by its connection to society. CISE conducts several innovative research projects that have an impact on the world, including cooperation with the public administration for network security and tourism disaster prevention, collaboration with medical science and engineering for a new technology development useful for robotics and medical care, and application program development based on new concepts. The mission of CISE is to develop human resources who have acquired the knowledge and skills to support the foundation of IT and to realize a more comfortable future society by creating new technologies and paradigms that have never been seen before.
College of Information Science and Engineering
Ritsumeikan University
TAKADA Hideyuki