
Aims of Human Resource Development

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Aims of Human Resource Development

The College of Information Science and Engineering aims to cultivate human resources who have global common sense and originality, and who can innovatively solve social issues through education and research in various fields based on information science. 

Diploma Policy

Established in line with the Academic Ideals, the Diploma Policy sets out the desired learning outcomes for students by providing basic guidelines on the kinds of capabilities they must acquire in order to have their graduation approved and academic degree conferred.
The College of Information Science and Engineering considers its educational objective to be achieved through the completion of the required credits and graduation research, and awards the degree of Bachelor to students that have acquired the capabilities set forth below.

(1) Professional capabilities

  • ・Has acquired basic knowledge common across the different fields of information science, and proficiency in programming.
  • ・Has acquired knowledge and techniques in a specialized field of information science.
  • ・Has an understanding of mathematics and the natural sciences, and fundamental academic abilities in the application of that understanding.
  • ・Can apply the knowledge and techniques acquired in relation to information science in order to identify and solve problems.
  • ・Has the proper ethical viewpoints as an information technologist.
  • ・Can grasp the significance of science and technology in social contexts.

(2) Communicative capabilities

  • ・Has the practical English language proficiency demanded of technologists.
  • ・Can understand written texts and oral statements made by others, and extract the contentions thereof accurately.
  • ・Can express one’s own ideas comprehensibly.
  • ・Understands diverse value outlooks, and can engage in discussion with respect for the views of others.
  • ・Understands the roles of an individual within a group, and can act in a self-directed and cooperative manner.

Curriculum Policy

The Curriculum Policy provides the basic guidelines on what kinds of educational programs to establish and educational content/methods to implement, and how to evaluate learning outcomes in order to accomplish the diploma policy.
The curriculum of the College of Information Science and Engineering is designed to cultivate human resources with broad foundational knowledge in information science, advanced expertise and creativity in highly specialized fields, and the capacity to play active roles internationally. The College is composed of one Department and seven Courses, with students extending their studies by reference to common basic knowledge in order to acquire a balance between broad fundamental knowledge relevant across different specialized fields and high-level expertise in their own field, as required to sustain the greatly expanded discipline of information science into the future. The six Courses offered in a Japanese-language medium (System Architect, Security and Networks, Frontier Social Design, Physical Computing, Audio and Visual Media Technology, Artificial and Natural Intelligence) each provide detailed coverage of learning in their respective fields, which have grown deep and diverse in content. In addition, there is an Information Systems Science and Engineering Course offered in an English-language medium, in which every student studies specialized content across a variety of information-related fields, with emphasis placed on the development of internationally-capable human resources.
In the first semester of their first year of study, students learn content common across the discipline of information science, while also deepening their understanding of individual fields of research within the discipline. They begin their specialized studies from the second semester of first year, when they are each assigned to his or her own Course. In their assigned Courses students receive specialized education from expert faculty members in the applicable field, while also undertaking studies in common fields of information science essential for all people working with information, and related fields offering connections with other Courses. In order to promote the acquisition of solid professional capabilities and communicative proficiencies, the College operates a systematic course progression system that specifies conditions for progression to the next level of study and eligibility to undertake graduation research subjects.
In order to achieve the College’s educational objective through systematic study and educational practice, individual subjects are classified into three types—Foreign Language, Liberal Arts Education, and Major Education—and Major Education subjects further into Major Foundation, Major Common, Major Specific, and Global Career Development. Foreign Language, Liberal Arts Education, and Global Career Development subjects are designed to equip students with the communicative proficiencies needed to be active internationally. Major Foundation, Major Common, and Major Specific subjects develop high-level specialist abilities. The purpose of each subject category is outlined below.

  • (1) Foreign Language Subjects

    Students study English exclusively, raising their practical proficiency in academic English centered on the four key skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Some English language subjects are also offered in order to develop proficiency in professional communication.
  • (2) Liberal Arts Subjects

    The aim of General Education is to furnish broad-based knowledge and a solid outlook on the world, thereby enabling students to develop intelligence, wisdom, and value outlooks that will guide them through life. A diverse range of subjects is offered that provide an understanding of a world made up of the natural environment and human society and help students expand their studies in specialized fields. Areas covered include science, nature, work, social service, sports, society, culture, and study abroad. General Education also cultivates the value outlooks necessary for broad-based reflection on the knowledge systems and values of Major Education.
  • (3) Major Education

    Major subjects are divided into four groups in order to enable a systematic study of the broad range of subjects that are now covered in the field of information science. The Major Foundation category comprises subjects in mathematics and natural sciences which are important in order to cultivate the fundamental capabilities necessary to study more advanced major subjects in information science. There is also a careful selection of subjects in applied mathematics, especially essential in order for students to tackle specialized subjects in information-related areas. Common material that all people working in those areas should master is covered in the Major Common subject group. Information subjects, which form part of this group, provide a careful selection of important foundational material for all areas of information science. Major Specialized subjects build on the foundations provided by Major Foundation and Major Common subjects, covering material specific to each Course. The distinctive subjects in the Major Specialized group strongly reflect the specialization of the Course under which they are offered. Classes are taught not only in a lecture format, but also through practice-based studies through laboratory work, seminars, and graduation research, enabling students to develop a more profound understanding of the specialized field of their respective Courses. Each Course also offers programming-related subjects, and laboratory/seminar-style small-group subjects are also offered in each semester without fail. In the Global Career Development group, multiple subjects are offered for different purposes and taken by students in line with their career planning. The aim of these subjects is to respond to demands for diverse learning as well as to elevate career consciousness.

Admissions Policy

Education and research at the College of Information Science and Engineering encompass a wide range of topics. These relate to the core knowledge of technologies, and their application at the cutting edge.
Our educational goal is to develop specialists and researchers with expertise in utilizing computers to obtain effective and innovative solutions to unforeseen issues. Graduates of CISE will be ready to play the leading role in a variety of organizations at the global level.
With these objectives in mind, we welcome prospective students with the following qualities and attitudes.

  • (1) The prospective students should have acquired logical thinking skills and fundamental understanding of mathematics and natural sciences necessary to pursue studies in information science.
  • (2) For those who are to choose one of the six courses provided in Japanese, they should have sufficient Japanese proficiency to understand and produce Japanese texts, as well as the fundamental proficiency in English. For those who are to be enrolled in the course provided in English, they should be able to display sufficient command of English to pursue academic studies in the language.
  • (3) They should have acquired academic underpinnings to start a wide range of studies at the tertiary education level.
  • (4) They should have wide and keen interests in academic fields related to information technology.
  • (5) They should be strongly motivated to acquire the fundamentals of programming.
  • (6) They should have sincere motivation to acquire specialized and advanced knowledge and technologies, ethical attitudes, and leadership.
  • (7) They should be fully aware of the significance of skills for problem-identifying/solving and those for communication, and are ready to improve those skills to the more advanced levels.