Creating a rich and promising future society through

information technology integrated into daily life

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  4. Physical Computing Course

[Japanese-medium]Physical Computing Course

Physical Computing Course Official Site

Students will learn state-of-the-art technologies such as virtual reality, robots, IoT, and human interface.

Due to the sophistication of information devices, sensor devices and information and communication technology, informatization is developing across various areas such as social infrastructure and daily life. With the aim of developing such real-world advanced information technology, this course provides education and research on ubiquitous computing technology, which expands the space for utilizing information devices; robotics and mechatronics technologies, which realize enhancement of the intelligence of mechanical systems through informatization; and human interface technology, which serves as an interface between people and people, and people and things.

  • 01 What students can learn

    Technology that connects computers and people

    Designs that take into consideration the perception, cognition, and motion characteristics of people are necessary to realize people-friendly information systems. Students in the Physical Computing Course will learn these practical skills.

  • 02 What students can learn

    Technology that connects computers and things

    For developing technologies that connect computers and things, knowledge of electrics and electronics and machines in addition to that of computers is required. The Physical Computing Course provides these lectures as well as experimental seminars in which students actually move things about.

  • 03 What students can learn

    Ability to discover problems and solve them using technology

    With the aim of cultivating students’ ability to actually contribute to society through their specialized knowledge of information technology, many lectures in the Physical Computing Course adopt Problem-Based Learning (PBL).

Distinctive CurriculumCURRICULUM

  • Human Interface Students will learn basic methods and users’ characteristics for designing user-friendly and almost-error-free device operation.

  • Experiments in Physical Computing 2 Students will learn about creating 3D computer graphics and programming for smart phones and tablet terminals.

  • Robotics Students will learn how to control robot systems and actuators.

  • Remote Sensing Engineering Students will learn ways to measure the environment through sensors.

  • Workshop in Physical Computing 2 Students will learn about device control using microprocessors. Students will acquire methods for exchanging information with the real world using electronic components such as sensors, actuators, and LEDs.

  • Workshop in Physical Computing 1 Students will conduct group research studies to elucidate the essence of given social problems through investigation and devise a means to solve the problems using technology.

  • Workshop in Physical Computing 3 Students will learn their roles as engineers in creating a new society through predicting the image of our information society’s future and creating software and web contents which are useful to society.
