Becoming an information system architect

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  4. System Architect Course

[Japanese-medium]System Architect Course

System Architect Course Official Site

Systematically learning the practical skills for implementing innovation, from the basics to application

Information system architects create various systems that support information society. In order to become human resources capable of creating unprecedented systems and experiences as well as achieving innovation that meets social needs, students will acquire knowledge of information system technologies in general, ranging from the basics of hardware and software to the advanced IT applications such as Big Data analysis and IoT, and practical skills to achieve innovation that meets social needs.

  • 01 What students can learn

    Basic technology of hardware and software which constitute computer systems.

    How is computer hardware configured and how does it operate? How is software designed and built up as a program? Students will learn the answers to these questions based on representative theories and practices. Through the learning, students will build their foundation as system architects.

  • 02 What students can learn

    A variety of experiments and seminars that connect basic technologies to systems in reality.

    Based on the basic technologies they have learned, students will develop their practical capabilities to build various hardware and software. They also have experiences to apply them to actual working systems. These practical activities will make students acquire abilities to organize artifacts working in real fields as system architects.

  • 03 What students can learn

    The ability to achieve innovation to catch up with and outpace trends of state-of-the-art applied technologies.

    While learning what is going on in the front line of information systems, students will develop their ability to analyze various phenomena surrounding us, which will enable them to reveal problems hidden in society and provide technical solutions for them. The analysis brings them the ability to make epochs , through which they can innovatively solve problems in the society as systems architects.

    Distinctive Curriculum

Distinctive CurriculumCURRICULUM

  • Computer Architecture Students will learn the basics of computer architectures and enhance their knowledge for creating new-generation computer systems in the future.

  • Object-Oriented Theory Students will be provided with a detailed explanation of object-orientation, which has today become a major software developing method.

  • System Architect Experiment
    Experiments in Computer Science 1/2
    Students will learn multilaterally through experiments concerning themes directly linked to lesson content such as built-in robots, logical circuits, networks, architecture, IoT, and digital design.

  • System Architect Programming Seminar Students will practically develop smartphone applications, etc. based on object-oriented development methods.

  • IoT In the coming future, new values are generated not only by people but all things and matters being connected to the internet. Students will learn about the mechanism and application of IoT.

  • Big Data Analysis The analysis of huge amounts of data obtained from all aspects of life on the cloud using novel algorithms converts the data into new and valuable information. Students will learn the basics of Big Data analysis.
