- Research

Ritsumeikan University widely disseminates various research activities with the aim of promoting the return of research results to society.
Enhancing the VR/MR Experience Through Multi-Sensory Integration
Asako Kimura Professor -
Robots that Move Freely Across Walls and Ceilings to Realize Optimum Space
Jooho Lee Professor -
A Robotic Auditory Sense That Detects Crises in Shouts and Screams
Takahiro Fukumori Lecturer -
Controlling Sound and Cancelling Noise
Kenta Iwai Assistant Professor -
Extracting valuable information from big data to design human to human/computer interactions
Yoko Nishihara Associate Professor -
Artificial Intelligence that autogenerates Games to entertain Humans
Ruck Thawonmas Professor -
A measuring System for visual Perceptions leads to innovative Designs
Hiroyuki Shinoda Professor -
Technology That Can Visualize and Reproduce the Interiors of Festival Floats
Satoshi Tanaka Professor -
The Future of Robots and AI
Sadao Kawamura Professor / Tadahiro Taniguchi Professor -
Chairs, Designed by AI with Its “Imagination”
Ikuko Nishikawa Professor -
Defining Comfortable Driving by Understanding Human-Machine Matching
Takahiro Wada Professor -
Artificial Intelligence Acquiring Vocabulary and Concepts in Ways Similar to a Child
Tadahiro Taniguchi Professor / Yoshinobu Hagiwara Assistant professor -
A future where exercise is a part of everyday life, created by advanced technologies
Tadao Isaka Professor / Takanobu Nishiura Professor / Naruhiro Shiozawa Associate Professor -
Information technology that changes feelings and behavior
Haruo Noma Professor -
Can hundreds of thousands of tourists be safely evacuated from the tourist city of Kyoto?
Yoshio Nakatani Professor / Tomoko Izumi Lecturer -
Disaster prevention system for the safe evacuation of people in urban underground spaces where positioning is difficult
Nobuhiko Nishio Professor