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Graduate School of Technology Management | Ritsumeikan University

Designing the Future with MOT

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Innovation School
Starting in 2025!

Starting in the 2025 academic year, Ritsumeikan MOT will take a new step as the “Ritsumeikan Innovation School.” In addition to the traditional perspective of technology management, a new curriculum will be introduced to cultivate the ability to lead the future.
The new curriculum includes a specialized course group called “Leading the Future Courses [Futurepreneurship]” which helps students discover what they want to do and learn methodologies to design and lead the future.
Additionally, there will be courses for science students to systematically acquire technology-based management skills. This aims to develop science students with strong management skills, promoting the integration of technology and management.
To enhance support for working students, we will also offer flexible lectures, which can be attended online, allowing smooth course taking and completion.
Let’s create the future together at “Ritsumeikan Innovation School.”


Research Details and Faculty Information Available Here