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What is MOT?

What is MOT?

Management of Technology (MOT), also known as Technology Management, is a field that connects technology and management to foster innovation.
Rather than merely focusing on the development of new technologies, it comprehensively addresses the process of delivering these technologies to society and the market while maximizing their value.
This comprehensive approach requires considering not just technology, but also people, organizations, business models, and even culture and whole of society.

For example, the widespread use of smartphones, electric vehicles, and AI-driven services isn't just about the technology itself. Strategies are needed to design how these technologies are used and what experiences they provide, integrating them into people's lives. MOT is the study and practice of how to leverage technology for the future.

For companies to grow and develop sustainably, they must enhance and maintain their competitive edge over the long term.

Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of Technology Management proposes a "New Generation MOT" that combines technology and management education to cultivate the next generation of leaders.

Monetizing Innovation and Creating Sustainable Value

In the past, developing excellent technology or products naturally led to profits. Today, however, technology and products alone are not enough. Successful innovation requires a process that realizes new value in the market based on technology and leads to monetization.
We emphasize the following aspects for monetizing innovation;

  • Systematically learning the process from technology development to commercialization and honing skills in designing revenue models.
  • Acquiring practical methodologies to solve real business challenges through case studies and corporate internships.

Sustaining Revenue Over the Product Lifecycle

Beyond just market acceptance, maintaining competitive advantage is the next challenge. In our new concept, students learn strategies for long-term revenue sustainability by considering the technology lifecycle.

Examples of Learning Content

  • Management methods for continuous value creation to evolve services and businesses.
  • Practical use of intellectual property, licensing, and partnership strategies.

Creating Business Models

In today's global market, building unique business models is crucial for maintaining competitiveness, not just developing new products. We focus on business model design, service innovation, and platform building.

Specific Learning Content

  • Fostering creative thinking through "Design Thinking and Art Thinking."
  • Implementing future-oriented entrepreneurship courses for service innovation and new market creation.

Addressing Challenges in Japanese Technology Management

Many Japanese companies face the issue of having excellent technology but not linking it to profits. We aim to provide education that connects technology to sustainable growth.

Challenges to Address

  • The current focus on technology development without strategies for monetization.
  • The lack of long-term business design to maintain competitive advantage.

Our Vision

  • Cultivating competitiveness that generates revenue and supports long-term business success.
  • Creating sustainable business models alongside technological innovation.
  • Developing leaders who can drive next-generation value creation using design thinking and art thinking.

We aim to nurture future leaders in technology management by connecting diverse students and professionals with cutting-edge theories. We also aim to bridge technology and business to bring about societal transformation.

Program Topics

What are MOT Professionals?

To respond to the intensifying competition and rapid technological evolution, it is essential to cultivate professionals with systematically acquired technology management skills, beyond mere experience or on-the-job training. Future leaders, such as CTOs (Chief Technology Officers) and CEOs (Chief Executive Officers), who can accurately understand the value of technology and connect it to business success, are in demand.

Skills Required for MOT Professionals

  • Formulating management strategies centered on technology to enhance corporate competitiveness.
  • Understanding market needs and maximizing the value of new technologies and products.
  • Planning financing and monetization strategies for technology development and projects.
  • Utilizing intellectual property to create revenue while maintaining technological superiority.
  • treamlining the process from product/service development to market launch.
  • Constructing high-certainty strategies based on data analysis and market forecasting.
  • eading the entire process from technology development to product/service design and value creation.
  • Demonstrating entrepreneurial spirit to create new value and markets.

Diverse Roles of MOT Professionals

  • Leaders who integrate technology and management to pioneer new markets.
  • Technologists with a management perspective to drive innovation.
  • Intellectual property specialists who protect and monetize technological innovations.
  • Consultants who support companies in driving technological innovation.
  • Entrepreneurs who create new businesses based on technology.
  • Venture capitalists who support the growth of tech-based startups.
  • Policymakers who formulate and implement technology, industrial, and intellectual property policies.
  • Academics who support next-generation technology management through education and research.

Future Vision for MOT Professionals

MOT professionals are not just technologists or managers but bridge the gap between technology and business. By solving societal challenges with technology and creating new markets and value, they simultaneously achieve corporate growth and societal development. We offer a curriculum that combines theory and practice to cultivate such professionals, equipping them with the power to design the future and lead society.