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Ph.D. in Management (University of Tokyo)
Field of Research
Product development, Innovation Management, Monozukuri management
Theme of Research
Empirical study of the development activities in the game industry
Development of freemium models in the content industry
Visualization of organizational issues at manufacturing sites
Digital Transformation (DX) in manufacturing sites


Wei Huang is an associate professor at the Graduate School of Technology Management, Ritsumeikan University. He received his Ph.D. in Management from the University of Tokyo. Previously, he had been an assistant professor and research fellow at the Graduate School of Economics, the University of Tokyo. He also serves as a visiting research fellow at Hitotsubashi University's TDB Center for Advanced Empirical Research on Enterprise and Economy. His research interests include product innovation, product development in software and game industries, production management systems in manufacturing.

Selected Publications

Affiliation with Academic Associations

  • Japan Academy of International Business Studies
  • The Academic Association for Organizational Science
  • Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics