Manabu SAWAGUCHI Professor
- Education
- Ph.D. in Engineering (Waseda University). Diploma of ICMP (Japan-America Institute of Management Science). B. A. in Mathematical Engineering (Keio University)
- Field of Research
- Product planning and development management, Innovation management, Sustainable Kaizen activities, Risk management based on design thinking
- Theme of Research
- “Study of next-generation product planning and development approach""Research on effective Monodukuri approach between emerging countries and Japan""Study of risk management based on design thinking suitable for the AI era"“Study of possibility regarding AI to BI (Benefit of inconvenient)”, others
Manabu Sawaguchi graduated from KEIO University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Mathematical Engineering in 1982 and got a position as a researcher at the SANNO Institute of Management in 1985. As a visiting researcher, he visited University of Michigan IOE (Industrial and Operations Engineering) in 1997. After that, he earned a doctoral degree in Engineering at WASEDA University in 2005. He has been working more than 33 years of experience in practical technology management. And, now, he is an advisor of SJVE (Society of Japanese Value Engineering), a vice Chairman of JTS (Japan TRIZ Society), a director of Value Innovation Institute Co., Ltd., director of GEOMATEC Co., Ltd. , part-time lecturer at WASEDA University, and Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University (2020.4~).
Selected Publications
- Heba Abbadi, Manabu Sawaguchi, Eiman Yassin(2021) “Theory of Change for Exploring the Potential Role of Rural Women’s Social Inclusion for Temporary Economic Recovery after COVID-19: Evidence from Awni Village in Egypt”, International Journal of Japan Association for Management Systems, Vol.13, No.1, pp35-48,2021,12
- Manabu Sawaguchi, Heikan Izumi(2017) “The Study of Effective of TRIZ Tools for Kaizen Activities in Japan and Developing Countries”, Journal of the European TRIZ Association, INNOVATOR,02/2017(04),pp.145-152
- Manabu Sawaguchi, Satoru Utsgi(2017) “Effective Design Approach with Inventive Principles to Reputational Damage Risk on the Internet”, Journal of the European TRIZ Association, INNOVATOR,01/2017(03), pp.31-36
- Manabu Sawaguchi(2016) ”How does Japanese -Kaizen Activities- Collaborate with -Jugaad Innovation-? ”, Proceedings of PICMET2016 (Honolulu,USA)
- Manabu Sawaguchi(2015) “Research on the Efficacy of Creative Risk Management Approach based on Reverse Thinking”, Procedia Engineering, Volume131, pp.577-589
- Manabu Sawaguchi, Shintaro Ishikawa, Heikan Izumi(2015) “Effectiveness of conceptual design process respecting -The Axiomatic Design Theory-”, Procedia Engineering, Volume131, pp.1050-1063
- Manabu Sawaguchi, Itaru Nakahara(2014) “Verification of Risk Countermeasures Regarding Expressway Traffic Control System Based on Creative Risk Management Approach (Research paper)”, Proceedings of PICMET2014 (Kanazawa, Japan), pp.3430-3440
- Manabu Sawaguchi, Xiaolei He, Koichi Makino(2013) “Vicissitude of Japanese Manufacturing Industry and Way of Chinese Manufacturing Industry”, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 694-697, pp.3498-3506
- Manabu Sawaguchi(2011) “Innovation Activities Based On S-curve Analysis and Patterns of Technical Evolution- From the standpoint of engineers-, what is Innovation? ”, Procedia Engineering, Volume9, pp.596-610
Affiliation with Academic Associations
- Japan Industrial Management Association
- Japan Association for Management Systems
- Japan MOT Society
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Society of Japanese Value Engineering
- Japan TRIZ Society
Academic Awards
- Best Paper Award at the 35th VE National conference Sponsored by SJVE (Society of Japanese Value engineering),supported by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (2001/11)
- DREAM AWARD2004 Excellent Paper Award Sponsored by Diamond International Management Institute(2004/3)
- 49th VE National Conference "VE Academic Achievement Award" Sponsored by SJVE (2016/10)
- The "Academic Award" Japan Association for Management Systems (2021/5)