Academic Calendar
and Grading

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Academic Calendar

The Study in Kansai Program consists of two semesters: Spring Semester and Fall Semester.

Spring Semester April 1 – July 26
Fall Semester September 26 – January 24
  • Each semester is approximately 14 weeks long.
  • The dates above represent the program schedule for SKP students. Please note that this is not the same as the academic calendar for regular degree-seeking RU students.
  • The primary break periods for SKP students are
  • Golden Week late April to early May
    Summer Break late July to September 25
    Winter Break late December to early January
    Spring Break late January to March 31
  • The last day of classes in each semester is followed by a two-week final exam period.
  • Please check the currently available Academic Calendar using the link below.
  • Academic Calendar


Students are assessed according to the grading methods described in the syllabus for each course, which may include class attendance, research papers, mid-term exams, presentations, and final examinations. Final examinations at Ritsumeikan are held in July for the Spring Semester and January for the Fall Semester.

Lecture Hours and Academic Credits

Most class sessions at RU are 95 minutes long. SKP exchange students participating under an Agreement for Student Exchange will receive credit for their course work in accordance with the policies of their home institutions.

Credits for language courses are based on the number of sessions per week, with one session per week equal to one RU credit for the semester. For example, a course that meets twice a week awards two credits for the semester. Non-language courses generally award two credits per semester and meet once a week.

Students may enroll in up to a maximum of 20 credits per semester and are required by immigration law to take a minimum of 10 hours of classes per week (i.e., at least seven RU class sessions). Students are advised to confirm the requirements regarding the transfer of academic credits with their home institutions in advance.

Grade Evaluation

Ritsumeikan University’s grading system is shown below.

Grade Score (%)
A+ 90-100
A 80-89
B 70-79
C 60-69
F ≤ 59
  • Note that an “F” grade constitutes a failing grade.

Academic Transcripts

Academic transcripts, hard copies, listing the classes taken, grades, and the number of credits awarded for each course will be issued after September 26 for the Spring Semester and after April 1 for the Fall Semester. For exchange students from partner universities of Ritsumeikan University, one English transcript will be sent to their home university via post. Participants who need a transcript for personal use will need to apply and purchase it through the Alumni Association website.

  • SKP participants will also receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of their study period.