Miki Horie

Profie photo of Miki Horie


Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Administration, University of Minnesota Twin Cities

mhorie [at] fc.ritsumei.ac.jp (Replace "[at]" with "@")
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  • Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Administration (Comparative and International Development Education), University of Minnesota Twin Cities
  • M.A. in Education, Nagoya University

Message to Students

I am a researcher and practitioner of international education. I believe in the educational value of intercultural experience and have been committed to exploring mechanisms of personal growth through intercultural experiences and developing educational programs that assist students' learning and growth in cross-cultural environments. Furthermore, my experience of being a school principal (2017-2020: Ritsumeikan Primary School and Ritsumeikan Junior and Senior High School, 2021-present: Ritsumeikan Primary School) has given me invaluable opportunities to be involved in the actual personal development of various individuals. Such experiences motivated me to develop my unique career identity as "Interculturalist-Principal" contributing to the growth of students on various developmental stages.

Because of such personal background, I believe that GLA is an exciting learning community, where you, every student with unique background, can be an important part of cross-cultural learning environment. I look forward to talking with many of you!

Courses Taught

  • Foundations in Research Skills 1
  • Introduction to Education
  • Special Lecture: Personal Development through Intercultural Experiences
  • Liberal Arts Experience: Exploring Diversity, Equity and Inclusion on Campus

I enjoy teaching with a student-centered pedagogical approach. All of my courses are taught based on the following learning principles.

Cross-Cultural Learning
Students are encouraged to respect diverse cultural backgrounds of the classmates and learn from each other.

Collaborative Learning
Students are encouraged to help each other to maximize our learning.

Contents and Process Learning
Students are encouraged to learn not only from the contents of the course but also from the process of classroom interactions.

Research Interests

  • Development of Intercultural Competence
  • Cross-cultural Peer Learning
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Education
  • Program Design of International Education
  • Global Mobility in Education

I have been working on various research topics related to international education from personal, organizational, and political perspectives. A list of publications is available at Ritsumeikan University Researcher Database.

Representative Publications

  • Horie, M. (2022). Mainstreaming international education: Mestenhauser’s influence in Japan. In D'Angelo, A. M., O'Brien, M. K., & Marty, G. (Eds.). Mestenhauser and the Possibilities of International Education: Illuminating Pathways for Inquiry and Future Practice. Taylor & Francis Group. 120-126.
  • 田中博・堀江未来・武田菜々子・半田亨・松浦紀之(編著)(2022)「世界とつながる科学教育:高校生サイエンスフェアを通して理系グローバル人材を育てる」学文社.(Tanaka, H., Horie, M., Takeda, N., Handa T., & Matsuura N. (eds.). (2022). Global Science Education: Nurturing Global Scientist through Science Fair for High School Students. Gakubunsha. In Japansese)
  • Hanada, S. & Horie, M. (2021). Impact of the CAMPUS Asia Initiative for developing Japanese students’ attitude toward mutual understanding: A case study of the Japan–China–Korea Trilateral Exchange Program. Research in Comparative and International Education, Vol. 16, No. 3. 276-294.
  • Horie, M. (2018). Faculty Training for Non-Native Speakers of English at Japanese Universities: Effective English-Medium Teaching for a Culturally Diversified Student Population. In Bradford, A. & Brown, H. (eds). English-Medium Instruction in Japanese Higher Education: Policy, Challenges and Outcomes. Multilingual Matters. 207-224.
  • 坂本利子・堀江未来・米澤由香子 (編著)(2017)「多文化間共修:多様な文化背景をもつ大学生の学び合いを支援する」学文社. (Sakamoto, T. Horie, M., & Yonezawa, Y. (eds.) (2017). Cross-cultural Peer Learning: Promoting Collaborative Learning among Students with Various Cultural Backgrounds. Gakubunsya. In Japanese)
  • Horie, M. (2015). Japan. In de Wit, H., Hunter F., Howard, L. & Ergon-Polak, E. (eds). Internationalisation of Higher Education. European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education, European Union.
  • Horie, M. (2014). The Opportunities and Challenges of Intercultural Education for Asia Literacy. Ethos: The Journal of Social Education Victoria, Vol. 22, No. 3. 20-23, 39.
  • Mashiko, E. & Horie, M. (2008). Nurturing soft power: The impact of participation in Japan-U.S. university exchange program. In Watanabe, Y. & McConnell, D. (eds.). Soft Power Superpowers: National Assets in Japan and the United States. M.E. Sharpe. 75-96.