Academic Advising Records for Students (Academic Advising Database)

Every time students meet an academic advisor, the advisor will summarize the meeting including, but not limited to, the list of courses students and the advisor agreed to take, feedbacks to students’ inquiries, and/or relevant information to help students self-navigate their academic career at GLA. The advising summary will also ensure that students and advisors share exactly the same information and records for future references.

Unless specified, the advisor will send students the summary by the end of the meeting day. The summary will be posted on the Academic Advising Database. When the summary is posted, students will also receive an automated notice of posting via university email.

Academic Advising Database is accessible 24/7.

It is the students’ responsibility to check an advising summary as soon as it is posted. It is also students’ responsibility to refer to the given advising summaries before registering for courses in the future semesters and/or making critical decisions.

If students have follow-up inquiries about the advising summaries, they are welcome to contact the advisor again. Students can communicate with the advisor directly on the Academic Advising Database. To log in to the Academic Advising Database, access here and login by using RAINBOW ID and password.