

【NEWS】Ms.Andriani Furoida passed N2 test in JLPT test December 2023!!

Ms.Andriani Furoida passed N2 test in The Japanese -Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) December 2023!!

Since she enrolled in our Master's program in September 2019 and Doctoral program in September 2021, she has been studying Japanese language.
Achieving N2 proficiency marks a significant milestone for students with no prior background in Japanese language study before coming to Japan.
She is very popular among Japanese students and always surrounded by them. Friendship is one of the most effective means to learn a foreign language, and the easiest way to get comfortable with speech rate, intonation, and mannerisms.
Off course, she made a tremendous effort to memorize many difficult Kanji(Japanese characters) at the same time.
Congratulation, Andri san!

2024January JLPT test Andri san