立命館生命科学研究科 peopleメインビジュアル


CHERDVORAPONG Vipavee ThailandThailand Doctoral Program Graduate Company: FUJI OIL CO., LTD.

Q1Tell us about your research theme.

My research was about purifying and characterizing a new enzyme which was isolated from soil. Since this enzyme can degrade one structure of plaque, its application in mouthwash or mouth rinse products has also been studied.

Q2Why did you choose to study at Ritsumeikan University?

There are many reasons that made me decide to study at Ritsumeikan University. Since I had to decide before going to Japan, the location, the alumni experiences, the university’s ranking, and the facilities had to be considered carefully. Ritsumeikan was good in all of the factors that I mentioned. In addition, Ritsumeikan has many connections through which they can provide scholarships for foreigners.

Q3What do you think are the advantages of studying in GSLS, Ritsumeikan University?

First, the facilities and data resources are ample, not only within the university but also outside it as well. We have access to resources from other universities and companies which Ritsumeikan has contracts with. These ample resources made research more productive. Second, the weekly seminars and monthly personal discussions encouraged me to keep progressing with my research. In addition, the support for attending conferences benefited me from both experience and education perspectives. The location, teachers, and staff familiar with assisting foreigners made my daily life easier, thus allowing me to focus on my research without anxiety. Lastly, to improve my Japanese skills, there were Japanese courses for foreigners, which can start from the basic level or you can choose to start from the intermediate level. The university’s library also provides Japanese textbooks (and textbooks for other languages) to improve your proficiency on your own.

Q4Why would you recommend studying at Ritsumeikan University to future students?

In my opinion, the best way to learn something is to step out of your comfort zone, so do not be afraid and stay passionate in what you are pursuing. Ritsumeikan might not be a comfort zone at first, but it is not a place that is too difficult to adjust to. Consequently, you can learn a lot, and before you realize it, Ritsumeikan will become your second home as it has become mine.

Q5What are you doing now?

I am working at Fuji Oil, a food company in Japan. Recently, I am doing research on plant-based foods which use soy as the main ingredient.

Q6How are you using what you have learned in your job?

The process that I used in my PhD program trained me to think systematically and rationally, which became my foundation in my current work. In addition, the experience of training in a real Japanese company during my PhD program helped me to understand the basic steps/culture of the Japanese work system. Being surrounded by great teachers, good friends, and courteous staff taught me about Japanese culture, which supports your socialization with co-workers.

Q7Any advice for current students?

I would say that getting a PhD is not easy. You must work hard, and think a lot, but in the end the precious experiences you have will be yours. If you have any problems or get stuck on some points, do not keep it bottled up within yourself. Try to consult with your professor or your friends, and you will get through any difficulties more easily. Have passion and be positive about what you are doing. Good luck.