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Medical Pharmacy

Clinical Pharmacy Laboratory

Study on Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences for Rational Use of Drugs and Optimization of Pharmacotherapy

With the recent specialization of and advances made in medicine the demand for scientific nature has grown in drug therapy. Predicting quantitatively for each patient the effects, side effects and so forth that can occur when a drug is used is important in implementing practical rational drug therapy. This laboratory is involved in the proper use of drugs through studying the clinical pharmacokinetics as well as their optimal administration methods etc for use in more effective management of drug treatments. We are also attempting to elucidate the mechanism of drug interactions and their side effects in revealing a drug administration method that will minimize any adverse reactions. Furthermore, we are also collecting information on drug efficacy and side effects etc and studying ways of evaluating, processing, reconstructing and transmitting the obtained information, including analysis, in conformance with Evidence Based Medicine(EBM) to optimize drug therapy.