Bilateral Projects
Through bilateral agreements, Japanese-style engineering education institutions were established in Malaysia, Vietnam and Egypt for the purpose of professional human resource development. As part of Ritsumeikan University's efforts to actively contribute to the projects, Ritsumeikan dispatches professors, promotes academic exchange, receives students, implements training for university administrators and support in the area of university management.
Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology

The missions of the university are as follows: to promote a Japanese style science and technology education in the Middle East and African countries, and to contribute to the development of human resources which will create new industries. Ritsumeikan plays an important role, especially in the area of enhancement of university administration functions.
Vietnam-Japan University

Vietnam-Japan University (VJU) is an institution that aims to develop highly-skilled human resources. VJU was established with the support of the Japanese government in September 2016. Ritsumeikan University provides support in the field of Environmental Engineering as a coordinator university.
Malaysia Japan International Institute of Technology

With the aim to create an international hub of Japanese-style engineering education in Malaysia, Malaysia Japan International Institute of Technology was established in 2011 as an independent institute within the University of Technology Malaysia (UTM). Japanese universities formed a consortium to provide support in the area of education, research and academia-industry cooperation to the MJIIT's undergraduate programs and postgraduate schools.
Commissioned Programs
With external funds from JICA and private corporations, Ritsumeikan is conducting various training programs including expert and professional human resource development. Each training program is carried out in cooperation with research centers, other divisions and offices, Ritsumeikan University and affiliated schools.
JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program

This program is designed for administrative officials in charge of conservation of cultural resources and landscapes as well as tourism development. Lectures, discussions, and fieldwork will be conducted from the perspective of sustainable tourism, utilizing the unique characteristics of the Kansai Region, focusing on cultural resources conservation and tourism development by local communities, universal tourism, and disaster prevention.
COSMO-ADOC-RITSUMEIKAN Japanese Language Program

With the aim to "create an academic institution open to international society" addressed under the Ritsumeikan Charter, Ritsumeikan has been conducting a variety of projects for human resource development in Abu Dhabi to strengthen the relationship with Middle Eastern countries in cooperation with industry.