【Report】Summary of the seminar by Samuel “Muli” Peleg

The theoretical framework for war and peace - the phenomenon of conflict

4 July 2024

In this seminar, Professor Samuel “Muli” Peleg discusses a theoretical framework for understanding the phenomenon of conflict and conflict management. The framework is based on the concept of “social sustainability”, which is grounded in two interrelated questions: what brings people together and what keeps them together?

Samuel began his presentation by highlighting the root cause of conflict, which are differences between two or more entities. Left unchecked, these differences may generate tension, which gradually develop into conflict. Conflict management, therefore, is closely related to managing the destructive tendencies of conflict. Samuel then defined the components of conflict, which comprise of the existence of two or more entities, the presence of incompatible interests, awareness of incompatibilities, and the choice to initiate conflict. These components are manifested in attitudes and behaviours of parties, which may be enabled due to environmental circumstances.

Managing conflict requires understanding why parties stay locked in conflict. Samuel primarily argues a condition of conflict increases group cohesion by having a common enemy, clarifies group hierarchy and purpose, and provides opportunities to “show leadership”. An approach to conflict management, therefore, requires parties to first mutually strive towards alleviating reasons for conflict before proceeding towards proper peacebuilding. Samuel emphasises dialogue, defined as an attempt to reach common understanding with respect to each other’s views, as a necessary component of peacebuilding.

In the question-and-answer session, participants discussed about the role of moral principles in conflict, types of conflict resolution applications, and the role of dialogue in addressing systematic power imbalances.