【Report】Summary of the seminar by Lauren S. Powe

Pathways to Citizen Diplomacy: Insights from G7 and G20 Government Advisory on Gender Equality

27 June 2024

In this seminar, Professor Lauren S. Power from Sophia University shared her experiences in her advisory role to the Group of 7 (G7) and Group of 20 (G20), two multilateral processes which represent over half of the world’s economy and population. She was involved with several Engagement Groups in both institutions, a process known as “citizen diplomacy”.

Lauren began her presentation by providing a brief background of the G7 and G20 as informal global governance processes. As informal processes, both institutions do not have legally binding power, but do serve as deliberative and relational platforms for world leaders to discuss global issues and influence change. Both the G7 and G20 serve as companions to traditional government processes by providing nimble and responsive interventions. The central premise of citizen diplomacy is that ordinary citizens may use global governance channels such as the G7 and G20 to advocate for change. Lauren explains how the G7 and G20 host Engagement Groups which pool together numerous entities from cross-cutting sectors to provide advice to G7 and G20 leaders through a formal communique. She illustrated her experiences in deliberating and formulating principles of gender equality into policy advisory, which were mostly echoed in G7 and G20 leaders’ statements.

Citizen diplomacy is often difficult to observe as most of the work is conducted behind the scenes. Meetings are often closed, which makes it difficult to follow unless someone has insider knowledge or access. However, it is a crucial element of global governance as it helps everyday citizens convey their aspirations to world leaders and make a change.

During the question-and-answer session, participants asked about ways they could also be involved in citizen diplomacy. Some also asked about time management, as engaging in citizen diplomacy is often done on a voluntary basis in addition to one’s daily work.