Accreditations and Designations
International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) Designated School (September 2009)
What is the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program?
The IBDP is an international educational program created by the International Baccalaureate Organization headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. If they satisfy the program requirements, IBDP students can obtain a qualification to enroll in one of over 20,000 renowned universities in 100 countries.
Click here for more information on the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Specialized Curriculum School
Ritsumeikan Uji Senior High School (Designated in April 2012; renewed in April 2017 and April 2020)
English Immersion Education: Geography and History; Mathematics; Science; Art; Foreign Languages: International Affairs; IBDP; Period for Integrated Learning through Inquiry; Special Activities
Ritsumeikan Uji Junior High School (Designated in April 2012; renewed in April 2017 and April 2020)
English Immersion Education: Social Studies; Mathematics; Science; Foreign Languages

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Project for the Creation of Worldwide Learning (WWL) Consortia
Ritsumeikan Uji Senior High School (April 2019-March 2022)
Development of an educational system that aims to cultivate innovative global human resources
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology WWL Program
Schools implementing entrepreneurship education programs under the FY2021 "Entrepreneurship Education Program of the Project for Promoting Collaboration between Learning and Society" (Small and Medium Enterprise Agency)
Ritsumeikan Uji Senior High School
This project aims for the full-scale introduction of entrepreneurship education and career education in the Period for Integrated Learning through Inquiry and the improvement of current entrepreneurship education and career education programs.
Schools participating in the Super Global High School (SGH) Network (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, April 1, 2021-)
Ritsumeikan Uji Senior High School
In order to further promote global human resources development at the senior high school level, senior high schools that continue to implement Super Global High School (SGH) initiatives will participate in the SGH Network.