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Academic Year



Ritsumeikan Uji, Kyoto, Japan - Sandford International School, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Cultural Exchange

        On Saturday, July 8, 2023, Ritsumeikan Uji welcomed 16 students and 2 teachers from Sandford International School in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The cultural exchange served as an event for students to learn about cultures and traditions across the world. Having students participate in a range of activities, the day provided opportunities to explore different cultures, allowing for exciting learning opportunities. The day consisted of the celebration of both Japanese and Ethiopian cultures through Japanese Tea Ceremony and Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony, as well as games and crafts from both cultures, and brought students together where they were able to showcase their heritage and learn from one another. The school facilities were all utilized in the cultural exploration, with the Tea Ceremony Room, Dai Hall, IB Communications Lounge, and Interlaken Amphitheatre allowing for such an exciting day.

        At Ritsumeikan Uji, we highly value the power of embracing diversity, and as internationally-minded students, we are committed to fostering global understanding. Both Ritsumeikan Uji and Sandford students worked together for the past four months to organize this day, the students’ great efforts shining through as smiles and excitement filled the experience. The event helped students to understand diverse backgrounds of not only the Ethiopian and Japanese students, but also the world around us in which we grow. Ritsumeikan students proudly shared their traditions and customs while excitedly learning and welcoming a new, and unfamiliar culture. Likewise, Sandford students celebrated their rich culture and heritage while embracing the novel world of Japan. The sharing of personal stories and experiences promoted a deeper understanding of diversity, encouraged students to ask questions, and broadened their perspective on the world.

        Through such events, let us continue to appreciate diversity and celebrate the rich culture in our community, while inspiring students to understand the world and grow as global citizens.

        Thank you to all Sandford teachers and students who participated in the event. We were so pleased and humbled to have such a special opportunity to host all guests, and we are excited for future endeavours together.




