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Academic Year



French Students and Buddy Students Visit French Consulate in Japan


Today, two international students from France and two students who are going to study in France in March at our school, Consul General Mouché was very busy and took time out of his busy schedule to talk to our students. Consul General Mouché took time out of his very busy schedule to talk with our students.

He talked to the students about their stay in Japan, what they would like to do in the future, and what kind of experiences they would like to have in different cultures.

For our students, they talked about the importance of broadening their perspectives through various experiences abroad when they are in high school.

We would like to accept more international students from France as well, so we asked them to share events and collaborate with us in seeking a partner school in France.

We hope that this kind of connection will help to promote international exchange and bring world peace closer.

23【国際】コリブリフランス総領事館表敬訪問 23【国際】コリブリフランス総領事館表敬訪問
23【国際】コリブリフランス総領事館表敬訪問 23【国際】コリブリフランス総領事館表敬訪問