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Academic Year



Junior High School WOW Week

From Monday, November 6 to Wednesday, November 8, we held a junior high school WOW WEEK.
This year's WOW WEEK featured 13 diverse programs, including projects by our high school students, going outside the school, and inviting outside lecturers. Many junior high school students participated and had amazing experiences that made them say "WOW!.

The "Challenge! Biwaichi

Participants cycled around the northern part of Lake Biwa (about 150 km) over a two-day tour. All 19 participants were able to reach the goal safely. It was a two-day event that provided a great sense of accomplishment.


Full-Scale Programming

With the cooperation of Be Engineer, we offered three courses: "Game Development," "Web Page Development," and "Proper Use of Generative AI. Despite each course being only two hours long, participants were able to learn the basics of full-scale programming.


Mock Court WOW: How Will You Judge? (High School Student Project)

This program was planned by third-year high school students as part of their exploratory study. Three lawyers were invited to teach the basics of court proceedings, followed by a mini-mock court trial. It was a valuable opportunity for the students to become familiar with the law and court cases.


Let's play Baseball 5! (High School Student Project)

Baseball 5 is a new type of baseball with simplified rules for anyone to enjoy, regardless of gender, in a five-man team. High school baseball team members who participated in the summer Koshien (the National High School Baseball Championship) taught junior high school students the joys of exercise through Baseball 5.


Exchange WOW with Uji Support School

The students participated in the cultural festival of Uji Support School, viewing the exhibits and interacting with each other. The students seemed to have spent a meaningful time thinking about what support means, and what it means to have and understand various viewpoints and ideas while enjoying the exchange. The students of Rits Uji are planning to hold an exchange meeting on December 7, 2012.


Amakase Dam WOW

We visited the Amakase Dam and hydroelectric power plant in Uji City. We were also able to take a special tour inside the power plant, which is not currently open to the public. They learned about the mechanism and history of power generation.


Let's go to Minpaku!"

We visited the National Museum of Ethnology to deepen our understanding of cultures and folklore of various countries. There are many valuable exhibits here that are rarely seen in Japan. We searched for them in the spacious museum in the form of quizzes, drew illustrations, and took pictures with them. It was a petit world travel experience for us while we were in Japan!


Cryptography x Math"

Participants learned about the mechanism of the RSA cipher and actually used mathematics to create and solve ciphers. They were able to realize that mathematics is used in everyday life.


Camel Art & Block Print Experience

We welcomed Ms. Moemi Takeichi, who has won the Grand Prix in the world competition of camel art, which uses camel hair to create patterns, and has been interviewed by many TV programs. She talked about her experience in India, starting with her search for a camel to create camel art, and the difficulties she faced in creating camel art. The participants also tried their hand at making handkerchiefs using the traditional Indian craft of herb dyeing.


Let's learn how coins are made.

The students went to the Mint to learn how coins are made, mainly by observing the production process of the 500 yen coins that they use in their daily lives. They learned with great interest that the Mint does not make banknotes, that coins are processed to prevent counterfeiting, and that they make commemorative coins. At the Mint Museum, they were able to see koban used in the Edo period (1603-1867) and experience a machine that identifies the material of coins, thereby deepening their knowledge of coins while having fun.


What is my specialty?

What is it that I am good at? The theme of the event was "What are you good at? Participants were able to discover what they are good at through one-on-one interviews with career consultants and group work with other participants.


Stereoscopic WOW"

Participants experienced holograms using a plastic plate, anaglyphs using red and blue glasses, and stereoscopic images using VR glasses. Through these experiences, participants learned how 3D images work.


Money Talks II

Sony Life Insurance invited us to this event. The title of the session was "Society and Money Structure," and participants enjoyed learning about stocks through quizzes and games. Not only did they increase their knowledge by listening to the Lifeplanner talk about money, but they were also able to use their knowledge to increase their assets in the game. It made me want to lead a richer life with money as my ally.


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