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Academic Year



Junior High WOW WEEK: June 18 (Tue) – June 21 (Fri)

During the three-way conference period from June 18 to June 21, we held the Junior High WOW WEEK. This WOW WEEK featured six diverse programs, offering many junior high students the chance to experience a variety of exciting activities.

"Let's Make Mizuhiki Accessories!"

For the third time, we welcomed a Mizuhiki accessory artist from Kyoto as our instructor. Students had the opportunity to create their own straps and earrings, choosing their favorite colors. Although some initially struggled with the knotting techniques, they soon began to help each other and enjoyed the creative process in a friendly atmosphere. Some students planned to give their completed straps as gifts to family members, while others expressed a desire to make more at home using the techniques they learned.

<Student Feedback>

"It was a lot of fun! My mother was very happy when I gave her the piece I made, which made me happy too. I want to try making accessories with different knotting styles."

"This was my first time, but I enjoyed being able to decorate with various combinations to my liking. I want to try making more at home!"



"Useful Money Talks"

This year, continuing from last year and the year before, we welcomed representatives from Sony Life for a life planning experience. Each group set up a virtual family and conducted simulations using the same software employed by real-life life planners. The students eagerly engaged with the evolving simulation results, enjoying the experience and thinking about it as if it were their own lives. The hour and a half flew by as they attentively listened and participated.

Through this experience, the students gained a deeper appreciation for the efforts their families put into earning money, managing household finances, and planning for the future. They realized the importance of understanding financial matters, especially in today's world. This experience has motivated them to continue learning about financial planning throughout junior high, high school, and university.

"Student Feedback"

"I realized how hard my parents work to earn money, do housework, and pay for many things. I want to express my gratitude to them more often."

"Thinking about living like this when I become an adult makes me a bit excited for the future."

"I enjoyed learning a lot about managing money and gaining knowledge for the future. I discovered many new things, like ways to save money. I want to remember this knowledge and apply it in the future."



"Enjoying English Rakugo!"

With the cooperation of the English Rakugo Club "Laugh-Laugh-Tei," junior high students had the opportunity to experience English rakugo. The session began with a lecture on the history and characteristics of rakugo, followed by performances of "Time Udon" and "Zoo" in English. For many students, it was their first time watching rakugo in English, and they were captivated, laughing multiple times throughout the performance.

After the performances, the students learned how to use a fan to mimic the action of eating udon. They also had the chance to play the shamisen and taiko drums. Some students even took to the stage to perform rakugo stories like "Art Museum," "Zoo," and "Monkey," imitating the examples they had seen. The two-hour session flew by, filled with constant laughter and enjoyment.



"Fun and Delicious Matcha Art"

We were honored to welcome Ms. Emi Yoshida, a natural tea cultivator from Wazuka Town, Kyoto, as our guest lecturer. Ms. Yoshida shared fascinating insights about Wazuka tea, Uji tea, the tea-making process, and some surprising facts about Uji tea. 

After the informative session, we dove into the hands-on activity of creating matcha art. Students whisked their matcha and then used a thicker matcha paste to draw their favorite designs. Each piece of matcha art was unique, showcasing the individuality of each student.

While enjoying traditional Wazuka tea sweets, the students had a delightful and flavorful experience, deepening their appreciation for the allure of matcha.



"English WOW"

Students enjoyed engaging English conversations with six native teachers from various countries. They were divided into small groups and rotated through different stations, allowing them to interact with each teacher.

The students actively asked questions, sparking lively discussions about the cuisine and culture of each teacher's home country. The event provided a fun and enriching opportunity for students to practice their English skills and learn about diverse cultures.


