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Academic Year



IG and IM Course Students Participate in Kansai Model United Nations

On June 23rd and 24th, students from the Ritsumeikan Uji IG and IM courses participated in the 32nd Kansai Model United Nations. The event was held in a hybrid format this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Students participated in online meetings on the 23rd and on the 24th went to the Kyoto International Conference Center to discuss and debate the resolutions that were created on the 23rd. This was the first time since 2019 that an MUN was able to have in-person activities, so the students were excited to be able to participate again in person, despite some new rules and procedures to accommodate for the situation with Coronavirus. The topic of the MUN this year was “Achieving Gender Equality and Empowering all Women and Girls”. Students, representing a member state of the United Nations, discussed issues related to empowering women through education, and empowering women in rural areas with students from other schools. This MUN provided an opportunity to think about issues related to gender equality and the empowerment of women from a variety of perspectives and was received positively by the students that participated. Many of the students that participated in the Kansai MUN will apply what they have learned from this experience to the Ritsumeikan Uji MUN that will take place in December. The next MUN that IG and IM students will participate in will be the Osaka MUN in July, which will have the same topics as the Kansai MUN.

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