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Academic Year



IB Course Opening Ceremony

     Today the IB Course held its opening ceremony for the second term. We heard about some of the various CAS activities that students did over the summer and also handed out awards that students achieved. Finally, IB student council member Marina Takemura gave a marvelous speech about perseverance and self-discipline.
     For the CAS activities, we heard from four students who traveled to Chichijima Island to research turtle habitat and ecology. This is a CAS Exploration activity we have run the last few years and is a great learning experience for students. We also heard about a new student newspaper website that will share IB student activities with the world. Finally, we heard about a student's agricultural internship in Bali over the summer. All told, the CAS presentations gave us a glimpse into the many exciting activities that IB students participate in.
     For the awards, several students received certificates for the participation in Waterloo University's Euclid Math Contest, and one student, Fuma Kano from the IB3 class, won a medal for his excellent performance in the contest. In addition, two students were recognized with awards for the 15th High School Fashion Design Contest.
     After the ceremony IB students are all set to begin the second term this fall.

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