Career Navigation: Campus Tours of Ritsumeikan University BKC and Kinugasa
On Monday, September 30, as part of our "Career Navigation 2" program, we conducted a tour of Ritsumeikan University's Biwako-Kusatsu Campus (BKC). With the support of the RARA Office, Ritsumeikan University graduate students presented their research to the participants on both days.
The students were divided among six faculties at BKC—Science and Engineering, Pharmacy, Life Sciences, Food Management, Sport and Health Science, and Economics—where they attended lectures. This unique experience in a new setting allowed them to reflect on their future academic paths in a fresh environment.
Additionally, on Wednesday, October 2, we visited Ritsumeikan University’s Kinugasa Campus. Here, students attended lectures in two faculties: International Relations and Letters. They then had the opportunity to listen to a faculty introduction from the College of Social Sciences and observe the Law Faculty’s courtroom classroom.
By visiting these campuses in person, each student gained a clearer vision of university life and a deeper understanding of what awaits them in higher education.