Medical Treatment and Health Consultations

  1. Medical Treatment and Health Consultations

The Medical Service Center (Kinugasa, BKC, OIC) has a clinic and provides internal medicine and psychiatric services. Health consultations are available free of charge, but if you wish to receive medical treatment covered by insurance, you will need a health insurance card.
The clinic accepts patients who present with fever or other symptoms that may raise suspicion of infection, regardless of whether or not they have been to the clinic before. For this purpose, the clinic has the necessary infection prevention measures, such as separating the flow line for patients with fever.

Office Hours

○Kinugasa Campus Medical Service Center

If you have a fever or cold symptoms, please call the Medical Service Center first.

Medical Department Day Registration Consultation
Start time
Internal medicine and Health consultations Mon-Fri 12:30-15:30 13:00
(appointment required)
Mon 13:00-16:30 13:00
Tue 14:00-17:00 14:00
Thu 13:00-16:30 13:00
Fri 13:30-16:30 13:30
Smoking Cessation and Travel Clinic
(appointment required)
For days and times
please contact the Medical Service Center
Office Hours Mon-Fri

○Biwako-Kusatsu Campus (BKC) Medical Service Center

If you have a fever or cold symptoms, please call the Medical Service Center first.

Medical Department Day Registration Consultation
Start time
Internal Medicine and Health Consultations Mon-Fri 13:00-16:00 13:30
(appointment required)
Tue 13:30-16:30 13:30
Wed 13:30-16:30 13:30
Smoking Cessation and Travel Clinic
(appointment required)
For days and times
please contact the Medical Service Center
Office Hours Mon-Fri

○Osaka Ibaraki Campus Medical Service Center

If you have a fever or cold symptoms, please call the Medical Service Center first.

Medical Department Day Registration Consultation
Start time
Internal Medicine and Health Consultations Mon/Wed/Thu 13:00-16:00 13:30
Tue 13:30-16:00 14:00
(appointment required)
Tue 13:30-16:30 13:30
Wed 13:30-16:30 13:30
Smoking Cessation and Travel Clinic
(appointment required)
For days and times
please contact the Medical Service Center
Office Hours Mon-Fri

※ There is no Medical Service Center at Suzaku campus.
※ Appointment times are only estimations and do not guarantee that you will be seen immediately.
※ Please be aware that there may be some delays depending on the condition of patients preceding you.

Smoking Cessation (appointment required)

We support smokers who are thinking of quitting smoking, those who are not sure how to quit, or those who have decided to quit, etc. in their efforts to stop smoking or quit altogether. Nurses are available to students for consultations (free of charge). However, please note that we may ask you to consult with us at a later date if we are busy with medical examinations. Doctors are available to faculty and staff for consultations. Prescribed smoking cessation supplements may be covered by insurance if conditions apply.