Flow of Group 1 Medical Examination

  1. Flow of Group 1 Medical Examination
Your height and weight will be measured at the Medical Service Center.
After that you take the chest Xray at an affiliate medical institute. 
You cannot make a resevation via phone, so please come to the Medical Service Center.

1. Answer the WEB medical questionnaire. (No need for those who have already answered)

WEB medical questionnaire URL:https://cw.ritsumei.ac.jp/campusweb/SVA20D0.html?key=SUR20231113141930615398249

2. Visit Medical Service Center at Kinugasa ・BKC・OIC
Please come to the Medical Service Center.
Schedule:Weekdays after June 3rd (Monday)
Reception hours :9: 30-11: 00 or 16: 00-17: 00 Location: Kinugasa Medical Service Center /Shigakukan 1F
BKC Medical Service Center /WEST WING 1F
OIC Medical Service Center /Building H 1F

*If the above time is not available, please come by 5pm (weekdays). Please understand that you may have to wait if it’s crowded.

3. Make a reservation for a chest X-ray.  
*You need to take a chest X-ray at an affiliate medical institute.
*Please understand that you might not take a chest X-ray on the day you visit Medical Service Center.

4. Receive a Chest X-ray examination form for a chest X-ray.
*You need to bring this form to an affiliate medical institute.

5. Measure height and weight at Medical Service Center.

6. Get a chest X-ray on the reservation date.
*Don’t miss the reservation date.
*Make sure to bring a form with you.

7. Receive a CDR and/or Chest X-ray examination form.
*If you receive something from the medical institution, please bring them to the Medical Service Center.
*If you do not receive anything, 6 is the end of procedure.

8. Bring the CDR and/or Chest X-ray examination form to the Medical Service Center.

*A certificate of health for job applications will be issued from automatic certificate issuance machines 3 weeks after you bring a CDR if it is found to have any health abnormalities.