Class Support Resources

  • You can call for questions from the students during class. You can respond to the question at that time or post the answer on manaba+R after class. This has been well-received by students in the class questionnaires.
  • You can ask TA/ES to respond to the questions.
  • You can send/receive files. Useful when you send a file to all the students at once or when you request all the students to submit a file.
  • Conversations in "Chat" can be saved. You can use the student's comments on the class for evaluation.
    *Saving "Chat" requires preliminary setting or saving before the end of the chat meeting.
  • There are two types for sending messages in "Chat": "Sending messages to all the attendees," and "Sending messages to a specific attendee." Select the former type for messages to everyone, and select the latter for a special message to a specific individual.
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