Basic concept of media-based classes

Significance of "Media-based classes" in the Standards for Establishment of Universities (the Establishment of Universities) (current regulations)

The significance of "Media-based classes" in the University Establishment Standards(the Establishment of Universities) is as follows.

Standards for Establishment of Universities
Law number: Ordinance of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture No. 28 of 1956OPEN

Article 25 courses shall be conducted using any one of the methods of lectures, seminars , experiments, practical training, or skills practice or a combination.
(2) A university may have its students take courses as set forth in the preceding paragraph at places other than a classroom where said courses are conducted, by using various types of media in a highly advanced manner, as specified separately by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
(3) A university may have its students take courses as set forth in paragraph (1) in foreign countries. The same shall apply to the case where a university has its students take courses at places other than a classroom where said courses are conducted, by using various types of media in a highly advanced manner, as prescribed in the preceding paragraph.

Enforcement of the Ministerial Ordinance Partially Revising the Standards for the Establishment of Universities" (public notice, March 31, 1998) (excerpt)
Article 1 Partial Revision of Standards for Establishment of Universities (Ordinance of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture No. 28 of 1956)OPEN

1 Significance of "courses conducted using media" in the Standards for Establishment of Universities
(1) Omitted
(2) (Omitted) Since "classrooms, etc. where courses are held" includes laboratories, studios, etc., courses using media are included even when there are only teachers in the classrooms and no students taking courses. In addition, courses that are conducted simultaneously between multiple classrooms in the same school building using a variety of media at a high level are also included in courses using media.
(3) When conducting courses using the media, it is necessary to conduct them in an environment similar to that of interview courses, and it is desirable that each university give consideration to the following matters.
i. Visual and audio communication between teacher and students during lecture.
ii. Ensure that students have the opportunity to ask questions.
iii. If it is expected that students will find it difficult to read the text on the blackboard on the screen, prepare printed materials for them in advance.
iv. Assistants who manage and operate the system should be placed in receiving classrooms as necessary. It's not always necessary to have teachers in the receiving classrooms, but it is effective to have teaching assistants if necessary.
v. The use of media makes it possible to conduct courses for a large number of students at one time, but the number of students should not be excessively large.
(4) Omitted

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Notification No. 51 of 2001(courses that the universities under the provisions of Article 25, paragraph 2 of the Standards for Establishment of Universitiesmay, require students to take) (hereinafter referred to as "Media Courses Notification") (Extract)OPEN

Courses that use communication satellites, optical fibers to handle various information such as text, sound, still images, moving images in an integrated manner through the advanced use of various media, and that satisfies any of the following requirements and is recognized by a university as having educational effects equivalent to an interview class prescribed in Article 25 of the Standards for Establishment of Universities.

i. Courses that are conducted simultaneously and interactively, and are taken in classrooms, laboratories, or other places equivalent to classrooms where courses are held (including places close to workplaces or residences such as conference rooms of companies in the case of awarding credits pursuant to the provision of Article 31, paragraph 1 of the Standards for Establishment of Universities).

ii. Courses that provide sufficient guidance through question-and-answer sessions, corrective guidance is provided by the instructor or the assistant instructor to the students by meeting them face-to-face at a place other than the classroom, or by using the Internet or other appropriate methods promptly after the end of the class, and that ensures opportunities for students to exchange opinions.

Points to Note
According to the laws and regulations, and in part of the remote classes provided in Paragraph 2, Article 25, Standards for Establishment of Universities, it is not prohibited to have students learn by using textbooks or course materials at home, however, it is necessary to have educational effects which are equivalent to face-to-face classes. Therefore, we do not expect a form of simply having students read textbooks, which is equivalent to the preparation or review outside of class. Moreover, it is required that the learning is comparable to that which is required in face-to-face classes by indicating the class objective and design, points of attention when reading textbooks, as well as necessary perspectives and viewpoints, etc. in advance by the instructor in charge of the course during the guidance.

Types of teaching media-based classes

There are two types of teaching methods stipulated in the Standards for the Establishment of Universities and the 2001 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Notification No. 51: 'live delivery-type teaching' and 'on-demand-type teaching'. For Guidelines for Conducting Classes Using the Media developed by Ritsumeikan University, please see below.

Guidelines for Conducting
Media-Based Classes

Live-streaming classes

Live-streaming classes are a teaching method in which class content is taught simultaneously and interactively using a videoconferencing system (e.g. Zoom).

  • Classes are distributed in real time, and students take the classes by connecting to the internet from their PC or mobile phone.
  • Faculties and students exchange questions and opinions with each other by video and/or audio through a videoconferencing system.
  • Faculties and students must communicate with each other by video and audio during class.
  • Ensure that students have the opportunity to ask questions to faculties.
manaba+R Learning Support System: It allows faculties to communicate with students inside and outside of class. Manuals related to media-based classes.
Zoom Media conferencing systems. Capable of distributing and recording video for conducting live-streaming and/or on-demand classes. Manuals related to media-based classes.

On-demand classes

On-demand classes is a teaching method in which lecture-style videos, audio files, etc. are presented to students as teaching materials, without setting fixed class times.

  • Slide materials and lecture-style videos are prepared as teaching materials, which students can access via the Internet from their PCs or mobile phones. The course is taken at any time or, if a deadline is set, within the relevant time limit.
  • The submission of assignments and questions from students and the exchange of opinions between students are also carried out via the Internet, etc.

Sufficient guidance by means of question answering, correction and question-and-answer sessions should be provided promptly after the end of the class.

Key points on conducting only media-based "on-demand classes"

It is said to be educationally effective to keep the overall length of the video to approx. 45 minutes, while incorporating work such as answering questions and making comments.

In short, it does not necessarily need to be 90 minutes long, but only as long as it guarantees the learning benefits of a 90-minute face-to-face lesson. Delivering a 90-minute class divided into multiple parts will help to create physical time for students to maintain their concentration and work on tasks such as answering questions.

manaba+R Learning Support System: It allows faculties to communicate with students inside and outside of class. Manuals related to media-based classes.
Zoom Media conferencing systems. Capable of distributing and recording video for conducting live-streaming and/or on-demand classes. Manuals related to media-based classes.
Panopto Video recording, video uploading, editing, sharing and management for conducting on-demand classes. Manuals related to media-based classes.

Tool summary chart

Tool summary chart