Career Paths
After awarded a bachelor's degree, more than half of them (approx. 52%) advance to graduate schools inside and outside of Japan. Some of them are domestically or internationally acclaimed distinguished schools. Other graduates land a job inside and outside of Japan in a broad range of industries. Also, there are some graduates who land a job after studying at a graduate school.
Graduate Schools and Employers (selected)
Graduate Schools*
AY 2024 |
AY 2023 |
AY 2022 |
AY 2021 |
AY 2020 |
AY 2019 |
AY 2018 |
AY 2017 |
*Graduate schools students were accepted but they did not choose to advance are not listed above.
AY2024 |
AY 2023 |
AY 2022 |
AY 2021 |
AY 2020 |
AY 2019 |
AY 2018 |
AY 2017 |

Career Center
For inquiries regarding job seeking activities, contact the Career Center at each campus.