
Conducting Fieldwork in Thailand as part of the "Introduction to On-site Research" (Thailand Project)

From August 30th to September 7th, as part of the College of Policy Science's course "Introduction to On-site Research" (Thailand Project), a collaboration international workshop was held with the Faculty of Architecture at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. Twenty-one students and two faculty members from the College of Policy Science participating in the Thailand Project engaged in on-site fieldwork.

In this workshop, participants were divided into three groups focusing on fire management, flood management, and water quality management. They attended lectures delivered by Thai university faculties, government officials, and practitioners. Additionally, surveys, including questionnaires, were conducted in Klong Toei Slum, the largest slum in Thailand. The workshop concluded with research presentations, during which feedback and advice for future research were received from local university faculty members.

Policy Science students will refine their research based on the received advice. They will also consider recommendations for the Klong Toei Slum community, government, NGOs, etc., and compile them as part of the final report in January next year.

On-site investigation in Klong Toei Slum

Group photo of workshop participants

Final presentation

Lecture by Chulalongkorn University faculty member