THE World University Rankings

Times Higher Education Rankings

Times Higher Education  Rankings are published by the British education magazine Times Higher Education  (THE ).
It is considered one of the three major rankings, and compared to other world and Asia university rankings, focuses on what are known as "research indicators" such as research volume and citation impact along with research income. In addition to THE  World University Rankings and THE Asia University Rankings, THE  partnered with Benesse Group to begin publishing THE  Japan University Rankings from 2017, and THE   University Impact Rankings, which independently rank universities' efforts toward the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from 2019.

THE World University RankingsTHE Asia University Rankings

Ritsumeikan University is ranked 1201-1500th in the THE  World University Rankings and 501-600th in the THE  Asia University Rankings. The numbers of papers and citations per researcher, which are regarded highly in the rankings announced by THE, generally tend to be higher in the fields of medicine and natural sciences. Accordingly, medical institutions (or universities with a medical college) can often perform strongly in the rankings. Among the Japanese universities without a medical college, only four are ranked in the top 1000. Ritsumeikan University has been recognized for its distinct strengths in the assessment categories of "Industry" and "International Outlook.”

THE World University Rankings

THE Asia University Rankings


Ritsumeikan University scored high in the areas of "Industry" and "International Outlook".

Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization (R-GIRO)

THE Japan University Rankings

Ritsumeikan University is ranked 31st among 271 Japanese universities in the THE Japan University Rankings published in March 2023. The University is ranked first among private universities in the Kansai region and 4th among all universities in the area. The University particularly demonstrated its strength in “Engagement,” one of the four key assessment pillars consisting of a student survey and a high-school advisors survey. The student survey picks up opinions of the current students with regard to interactions with the faculty, collaborative learning opportunities, and so on, while the high-school advisors survey collects the views of advisors regarding cultivation of global human resources and development of the students’ potential after enrolment. The results of the surveys are then quantified for assessment. In the “Engagement” pillar, Ritsumeikan University has ranked 13th in Japan, and is highly evaluated in education.

eng_30th place

THE Japan University Rankings / Methodology

THE Impact Rankings



In the THE  Impact Rankings 2024, announced in June 2024, Ritsumeikan University is ranked 201-300th overall globally and placed atop jointly among private universities in Japan. The annual ranking is designed to evaluate how universities demonstrate their commitment to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through their research and social contribution activities.
The THE  Impact Rankings 2024 is the sixth edition, and 2,152 universities worldwide have been scrutinized for comparison across broad areas including research, stewardship, outreach, and teaching. In addition to the overall rankings, it also publishes the rankings by SDG; Ritsumeikan University has accomplished to be in the top 100 globally for five of those goals (two more than last year), 15th (ranked atop in Japan for the second consecutive year) for SDG1: No Poverty, 90th (fifth in Japan) for SDG2: Zero Hunger, 81st (third in Japan) for SDG6: Clean Water and Sanitation, 63rd (fourth in Japan) for SDG14: Life below Water, and 86th (fourth in Japan) for SDG15: Life on Land. The University will continue to proactively pursue the achievement of the SDGs and the resolution of issues prevalent in the international community. The University will continue to proactively pursue the achievement of the SDGs and the resolution of issues prevalent in the international community.

Global Ranking
(Up to 400)
University ( *Private University) Score
=72 Hokkaido University 90.6
=95 Kyoto University 89.5
101-200 Osaka University, Hiroshima University, Kyushu University, Tohoku University 84-89.1
201-300 Ritsumeikan University, Keio University, Waseda University, Kobe University, Nagoya University, Okayama University, University of Tsukuba 79.3-83.9
301-400 Ehime University, Kumamoto University, Nagoya City University, Shinshu University 75.8-79.2