Research Activities Third-Phase
R-GIRO Research Program

A human coexistence society that is sufficiently full of vitality and creativity to overcome the problems of an aging population with a declining birthrate

Under the founding philosophy of “creating an affluent society that is able to operate sustainably,” the Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization (R-GIRO) has, since its founding in 2008, been seeking to contribute to society through education and research, with a particular focus on challenges to be tackled to create a sustainable society.

Based on its founding principle, R-GIRO has produced a large number of research achievements to help “create a model of an eco-friendly society, with a view to the earth’s return to nature.” Given the fact that Japan and many other developed countries have been facing the powerful tide of aging population with a declining birthrate, we need to make serious efforts, in terms of both policy and research, to address various problems arising from this issue.

Against this backdrop, R-GIRO launched the Third-Phase R-GIRO Research Program for COE Formation (research centers I – V) in AY 2016, with a view to “building a model of human coexistence society that is sufficiently full of vitality and creativity to overcome the problems of an aging population with fewer children.” Consistent efforts are currently underway to address various issues resulting from an aging population with fewer children.

Third-Phase R-GIRO Research Program: Research Centers (I – V)

Organizational Structure of the Third-Phase R-GIRO Research Program

Each research project is led by the representative of a core research center, under whom three to five group leaders are assigned. Each group leader is responsible for overseeing several team leaders from both inside and outside Ritsumeikan University.

List of Projects