FUJII TadasukeAssociate Professor
Public Policy Cluster
- Specialty
- Politics
I was born in 1972. After graduating from Ritsumeikan University (College of Law), I specialized in public administration at Osaka City University Graduate School of Law. In 2002, I took up a post at Aichi University Faculty of Law, and in 2005, took up a post at Ritsumeikan University College of Policy Science. I do not have hobbies, but I would choose reading if asked to name one. I also like visiting secondhand booksellers.
Research /
educational interests
I was originally interested in analyzing the policymaking process in Japan. I conducted research on who made policies and how policies were made in Japan. Recently, I have been interested in the impact of political developments on the economy. In particular, I aim to clarify the characteristics of Japan’s political economy through comparison with other counties. In the College of Policy Science, I am in charge of subjects such as “Contemporary Political Theory.”
Policy science is a discipline which analyzes actual problems from the viewpoint of various disciplines. To correctly identify actual problems and propose appropriate measures, both a broad, well-balanced perspective and elaborate analytical techniques are required. It is difficult to ensure both of them, but I expect graduate students to strive to attain this difficult goal.
Political economy