
HICKS, Kimberley Anne (Salem)Professor

Public Policy Cluster

Gender studies, feminist theory, digitalized society, diversity governance
HICKS, Kimberley Anne (Salem) Professor


The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
(Master in Educational Technology and English Language Teaching)

University of Leicester, United Kingdom
(PhD in Politics and International Relations)

Research /
educational interests

It is estimated by the United Nations that gender equality will take well over 200 years to achieve at the present rate. Gender inequality affects women, men and all genders, and influences the very fabric and sustainability of our societies and planet. My area of research interest has been varied but maintains an overall focus on gender diversity, inclusion and equality. I utilize a critical, intersectional feminist approach which provides rich insight into understanding how relations of power and privilege work to perpetuate most problems we face. More specifically I have researched about gendered aspects of educational technology and language learning; international education mobility and multiculturalism; indigenous land policy in the Canadian context; and most recently about the usefulness of feminist policy analysis frameworks.


Gender is a central factor that shapes practically every aspect of our political, legal, economic, and cultural lives. A deeper understanding of gendered dynamics and biases is critical to uncovering and recognizing the complexities of discrimination and inequalities in any field of study or issue. Understanding that policy is not neutral but often affects people in different ways depending on their gender, race, class, age, and other identities is important to creating policy that truly can deals with modern issues effectively and benefits people equally. As students of policy science, it is important to engage in this type of critical thinking in order to recognize our own biases, and biases of others. Then we can create and implement transformative policy.


Gender studies, human rights, international education, language education, land/property, Indigenous rights, Feminist political theory, feminist policy analysis