
Guest lecture of Dr.Ibnu Syabri, Bandung Institute of Technology was done.


Guest lecture of Dr.Ibnu Syabri, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia was done.

Graduate School of Policy Science has joint-degree program with Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
Dr.Ibnu Syabri, Head of Graduate Program Regional and City Planning of this university visited our school Dec 2, 2019. To profit this opportunity, we had her special lecture for our graduate students. The title was "Institutional obstacles for the implementation of a Transit Oriented Development concept in Metropolitan Jakarta, Indonesia.

Prior to this special lecture, he had also a special talk on his program at the luncheon faculty meeting of GSPS.

Our faculty members will also visit Institut Teknologi Bandung, Feb 2020 to enhance our collaboration and have interviews with prospective students.

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