
The Research Project of Open Seminar (=Graduate School Seminar) will be held in November, 2022.

Would you like to join the Open Seminar of Research Project?

Graduate School of Policy Science (GSPS) offers a class called "Research Project" as a core aspect of our research guidance. The class consists of faculty members from different fields of academic research as well as graduate students who are organized into research teams.

The Open Seminar of the “Research Project” of GSPS will be held for two weeks in mid-November during Graduate School Week at Ritsumeikan University. It will provide a great opportunity to experience what the research guidance of the Graduate School is like as it will be conducted in the same way as a normal class on campus would be held. We hope that you will join us!

Research Project Title Dates, times, and languages available
for Open Seminar in 2022
Ⅰ.Resilience and Sustainability Nov. 9(Wed) 5 Period…English
6 Period…Japanese
Nov. 16(Wed) 5 Period…Japanese
6 Period…English
Ⅱ.Regional Management and Public Policy Nov. 9(Wed) 5 Period…Englis
6 Period…Japanese
Nov. 16(Wed) 5 Period…Japanese
6 Period…English
Ⅲ.Cross-Sectoral Area and Media Studies Nov. 9 (Wed) 5 Period…English
6 Period…Japanese
No. 16 (Wed) 5 Period…Japanese
6 Period…English
Ⅳ.Policy System in Pluralistic Welfare Society Nov. 10 (Thu) 5 Period…Japanese/English
6 Period…Japanese/English
Nov. 17 (Thu) 5 Period…Japanese/English
6 Period…Japanese/English
Ⅴ.Public Policy in East Asia Nov. 10 (Thu) 5 Period…English
6 Period…Japanese
Nov. 17 (Thu) 5 Period…Japanese
6 Period…English
Ⅵ.Global Governance and Energy/
  Environmental Policy
Nov. 10 (Thu) 5 Period…Japanese
6 Period…English
Nov. 17 (Thu) 5 Period…Japanese
6 Period…English
Ⅶ.Regional Planning, Community and Housing Nov. 10 (Thu) 5 Period…English
6 Period…Japanese
Nov. 17 (Thu) 5 Period…Japanese
6 Period…English

The 5th period class will be held from 16:20 to 17:50 and the 6th period class will be held from 18:00 to 19:30.
Face-to-face or online observations are available.

Advance Registration is Required!

To those who wish to participate in the Open Seminar, please email us with the following information.

“Name”, “Affiliation”, “Research Project Title you wish to participate”, “Preferred Language”, “Preferred Date”, “Preferred Period”, “Participation Method (Classroom/Online)”.

Email: gsps-adm(at) ※Please replace (at)with @.
We will provide specific instructions on how to participate in the classroom or online (Zoom) later.

Application Period
  • To those who wish to participate on Nov.9(Wed)・Nov.10(Thu),
    please apply by Nov.7 (Mon), 9:00 am.
  • To those who wish to participate on Nov.16 (Wed)・Nov.17 (Thu),
    Please apply by Nov.14 (Mon), 9:00am.

Find out what research projects you can participate in!

The composition of the faculty members of each research project and the topics they are working on that you can participate in are as follows.

Ⅰ.”Resilience and Sustainability” Research Project

Faculty Members: Prof. KANEGAE Hidehiko, Associate Prof. SAKURAI Ryo, Prof. TAKAO Katsuki, Associate Prof. TOYODA Yusuke

Representative Works in recent years:
  • 鐘ヶ江秀彦(共著)(2013)「第3部 サステイナビリティの構築(気候変動への対応)災害と都市」周瑋生(編著)『サステイナビリティ学入門』, pp.112-124,法律文化社.
  • Kanegae, H. (coauthor) (2013) 'A Study on Gaming of Participatory Evacuation Planning in Tourist Areas Using Agent Simulation' Hamada, R., Soranastaporn, S., Kanegae, H., Dumrongrojwatthana, P., Chaisanit, S., Rizzi, P., Dumblekar, V. (Eds.) "Neo-Simulation and Gaming Toward Active Learning" pp. 247-256, Springer Nature Singapore Pte. Ltd.
  • Takao, K. (coauthor) (2014) "Strategic Adaptation towards Water Crisis and Integrated Water Resource Management" The University Press Ltd: Dhaka.
  • Toyoda, Y. (2021) Survey paper: achievements and perspectives of community resilience approaches to societal systems.Asia-Pac J Reg Sci5,705–756.
  • Sakurai, R., R. C. Stedman., H. Tsunoda., H. Enari., and T. Uehara. (2022). “Comparison of perceptions regarding the reintroduction of river otters and oriental storks in Japan.” Cogent Social Sciences 8:1, 2115656. DOI: 10.1080/23311886.2022.2115656
  • 桜井良・上原拓郎・近藤賢・藤田孝志. (2022). 「海洋学習が行われている中学校の生徒の海に対する態度と保全意欲:自由記述や絵の描写も含めた比較調査より」. 保全生態学研究. DOI: 10.18960/hozen.2108
  • Sakurai, R., H. Kobori., D. Togane., L. Higgins., A. Young., K. Kishimoto., G. Agnello., S. Cutajar., and Y. Ham. (2022). “A case study from the City Nature Challenge 2018: international comparison of participants’ responses to citizen science in action.” Biodiversity. DOI: 10.1080/14888386.2022.2054860
  • Sakurai, R. (2022). “Changes in students’ learning skills through the first-year experience course: A case study over three years at a Japanese University.” Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1108/JARHE-05-2021-0190
Ⅱ.“Regional Management and Public Policy” Research Project

Faculty Members: Prof. KOSUGI Takanobu, Prof. MORI Hiroyuki, Prof. OBATA Norio

Representative Works in recent years:
Ⅲ. “Cross-Sectoral Area and Media Studies” Research Project

Faculty Members: Prof. AZUMA Yoshifumi, Prof. INABA Mitsuyuki, Prof. KATSUMURA Makoto

Representative Works in recent years:
  • Azuma Y. (2019a), Accessibility for All, Becak Drivers in Jakarta Since 1988 , Cultural and Religious Studies 7(6) :1-16
  • 稲葉光行(分担執筆)フェターズマイク, 抱井尚子, 河村洋子, 稲葉光行, 井上真智子, 尾島俊之, 本原理子, 榊原麗, & ルビンスタインエレン.(2021).混合研究法の手引き──トレジャーハントで学ぶ研究デザインから論文の書き方まで. 遠見書房
  • 勝村誠(2021)「安重根「安応七歴史」「東洋平和論」「聴取書」の「発見」と受容」[日本語]李洙任編著『安重根研究』明石書店
Ⅳ. “Policy System in Pluralistic Welfare Society” Research Project

Faculty Members: Prof. HICKS Kimberley Anne, Prof. IIDA Miki, Prof. KAMIKUBO Masato, Prof. SAKURAI Masanari

Representative Works in recent years:
  • HICKS, Kimberley Anne. 2019. "International Student Mobility: Stay Factors and Challenges in Japan", International Journal of Research in Teaching, Learning, Creativity & Technology. 2(1),133-153.
  • 飯田未希『非国民な女たち : 戦時下のパーマとモンペ』中央公論新社、2020年
  • Kamikubo, Masato. 2019. "Age of eligibility to run election in Japan: a barrier to political careers?", Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies.
V. “Public Policy in East Asia” Research Project

Faculty Members: Prof. NISHIMURA Yozo, Prof. KAMIKO Akio, Prof. ODA Hisaya, Associate Prof. FUNAHASHI Toyoko, Associate Prof. TAKASHINO Nina

Representative Works in recent years:
  • Oda, H., Tsujita, Y., & Rajan, S.I. (2022) An Analysis of Nurses’ Intention not to Migrate: Evidence from Nurses in Tamil Nadu,In Rajan, S. I. (ed.). Indian Migration Report 2022: Health Professionals' Migration, Routledge.
  • Parvin, G. A., Takashino, N., Islam, S., Rahman, H., Abedin, A., & Ahsan, R. (2022) Disaster-induced damage to primary schools and subsequent knowledge gain: Case study of the Cyclone Aila-Affected community in Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 102838.
  • 舟橋豊子(2021)『フィリピンのサリサリストア―流通構造と人々のくらし―』五絃舎.
  • 西村陽造・佐久間浩司(2020)『新・国際金融のしくみ』有斐閣.
Ⅵ. “Global Governance and Energy/Environmental Policy” Research Project

Faculty Members: Prof. ZHOU Weisheng, Prof. MIYAWAKI Noboru, Associate Prof. NAKANO Katsuyuki

Representative Works in recent years:
  • 周瑋生編著(2022) SDGs時代のサステイナビリティ学、法律文化社
  • Noboru Miyawaki et al, “Border Closures in Mongolia in the Era of Hybrid Warfare: Did the COVID-19 hit democratic regimes?” Journal of Policy Science, Vol.14, 2021, pp.111-143.
  • 宮脇昇『戦争と民主主義の国際政治学』日本経済評論社、2021年
  • 中野勝行(2020)ライフサイクルを通じた環境影響評価の発展可能性, システム/制御/情報, 64(10):403-408
Ⅶ. “Regional Planning, Community and Housing” Research Project

Faculty Members: Prof. ISHIHARA Kazuhiko, Prof. TAKAMURA Gakuto, Prof. YOSHIDA Tomohiko

Representative Works in recent years:
  • 石原一彦「分譲マンション空家におけるアスベスト暴露のリスクと課題-特定空家分譲マンションにおける吹付アスベスト問題事例を通じて-」、『地域情報研究:立命館大学地域情報研究所紀要 第10号』、2021年
  • TAKAMURA, Gakuto et als. (2021) “Bundle of Rights Reversed: Anticommons in a Japanese Common Property Forest Due to Legalization”. International Journal of the Commons, 15(1), pp. 259–275
  • Hiroyuki Mori, Tomohiko Yoshida, and Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko(eds.) 2022. City, Public Value, and Capitalism: New Urban Visions and Public Strategies. Northwestern University Libraries.

* The composition of research projects will change by Academic Year.
* This composition is for the fall semester of the 2022 academic year.


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