The New Stage of China’s Development and Sino-Japanese Economic Cooperation under the ‘Dual Circulation’: Case of Liaoning Province

Prof. Kazuko Takaya

College of Economics

Locations of Impact

    China|Hungary|Japan|South Korea|United Kingdom|


  • Prof. Weidong Wang

    Dongbei University of Finance and Economics

  • Prof. Jidong Jin

    Dongbei University of Finance and Economics

  • Prof. Xueren Zhou

    Dongbei University of Finance and Economics

  • Prof. Xueru Wang

    Dalian Jiaotong University

  • Prof. Gary Dymski

    University of Leeds

    United Kingdom
  • Associate Prof. Agnes Szunomar

    Corvinus University of Budapest


Outline of collaborative research

Through this international collaboration, Ritsumeikan University, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, University of Leeds, and Corvinus University of Budapest have enriched their research and created new opportunities to foster younger researchers, such as hosting international seminars for early-career academics. This partnership also paved the way for new research themes and expanded the universities’ joint international research network.

In order to deepen research and expand the exchange network, we visited South Korea, where we had a half-day exchange with Dr. Jihynung, China Team Leader, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, (KIEP), and conducted research exchange with Prof. Byung-Yeon Kim of Seoul National University (DPRK economy and ROK-DPRK economic relations) and Prof. Hoon Paik of Chung-Ang University (Northeast Asia energy cooperation). In addition to China, we were able to build a foundation for the development of four-country joint research involving universities in the U.K. and Hungary, with a view toward involvement of the ROK as well.

The project has organized the open workshop “The Fragmentation of the World Economy and the Significance of East Asian Regional Cooperation: Focusing on the Rise of China and the ‘Dual Twin Circles’”, 19-20 January, 2024, BKC, RU, the international academic symposium "The Full Revitalization of Northeast China and 'Twin Circles' New Development Structure" (August 26, 2024, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian), etc. The research results will be published as an English-language academic book.

Papers, etc.

Non-peer reviewed
  • Kazuko Takaya, “China, East Asian Economic Development and the Development of GVC: An Essay toward U.S.-China Economic Friction and the Post COVID-19 Pandemic,”『立命館経済学』71/5, March 2023
  • Hiroshi Tanaka, “Looking at China’s Economic System beyond the Binary Systemic Perspective,”『立命館経済学』71/5, March 2023
International conference presentation
  • Akira Matsumoto, “Differences of Unconventional Monetary Policy between US and Japan”, Association for Evolutionary Economics 2023 Conference Program, AFEE @ ASSA (J.W. Marriott New Orleans), January 7, 2023

Symposia, seminars, etc.

  • International Academic Exchange Seminar “The New Stage of China’s Development and Sino-Japanese Economic Cooperation under the ‘Dual Circulation’: Case of Liaoning Province” (January 13, 2023, Zoom & in person)

Future prospects/aspiration

Based on the results of this program, the Ritsumeikan Asia-Japan Research Organization's 2nd Asia-Japan Research Promotion Program, “The Fragmentation of the World Economy and the Significance of East Asian Regional Cooperation: Focusing on the Rise of China and the ‘Dual Twin Circles’ ” (Project Leader: Kazuko Takaya, 3-year plan through March 2026) has been underway since April 2023.

Under the second Trump administration to be inaugurated in January 2025, the fragmentation trend of the global economy may further intensify. From the analytical perspective of the “Dual Twin Circles,” it has become increasingly important to reaffirm the significance of East Asian regional cooperation based on the actual state of international economic relations, including China’s regional economy (Northeast overall development) and the Belt and Road Initiative, and we will continue to deepen and develop our international joint research.

Kazuko Takaya, Ph.D.

College of Economics
Research Themes
  1. Agricultural Industrialization in China
  2. Sannong wenti and public finance in China

Area Studies, Economic Policy (Keyword: Study on Contemporary Chinese Economy, China, agriculture, Agri-coops, public finance)
