What are the Policies for Preserving Kyoto’s Townscape for the Next Generation?
- YOSHIDA TomohikoProfessor, College of Policy Science
The Unknown History of Buraku in Kyoto from the Perspective of Public Bathhouses
- KAWABATA MikiSenior Researcher, Kinugasa Research Organization
Creating Bicycle-friendly Roads
- OGAWA KeiichiProfessor, College of Science and Engineering
Mechanical Eyes Providing Innovation for Flying Robots
- SHIMONOMURA KazuhiroAssociate professor, College of Science and Engineering
Creating Regional Brand Value Using Design Concepts
- SATO NorijiProfessor, College of Business Administration
Disaster prevention through the establishment of trust relationships, studied based on the perspective of accounting
- KANAMORI EriProfessor, College of Business Administration
Disaster prevention system for the safe evacuation of people in urban underground spaces where positioning is difficult
- NISHIO NobuhikoProfessor, College of Information Science and Engineering
Where are the safe places to evacuate to?
- HAYASHI MichikoAssistant Professor, College of Science and Engineering
Can hundreds of thousands of tourists be safely evacuated from the tourist city of Kyoto?
- NAKATANI YoshioProfessor, College of Information Science and Engineering
- IZUMI TomokoLecturer, College of Information Science and Engineering
Robust, durable mechanical robots with a seemingly unsophisticated appearance that are capable of fulfilling their potential at disaster sites
- Shugen MaProfessor, College of Science and Engineering
- KAKOGAWA AtsushiAssistant Professor, College of Science and Engineering
How should we live alongside disasters? The View from an "Ars Vivendi" stance
- TATEIWA ShinyaProfessor, Graduate School of Core Ethics & Frontier Science Director of Research Center for Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University
- YAMADA YokoProfessor, Kinugasa Research Organization
Protecting historical city from disaster with cultural tradition and life
- OKUBO TakeyukiProfessor, College of Science and Engineering
- Dowon KimAssociate Professor, Kinugasa Research Organization
- Lata ShakyaVisiting Researcher, Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University JSPS Postdoctoral fellow, The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering
Imposed transportation systems have now reached their limit
- SHIOMI YasuhiroAssociate Professor, College of Science and Engineering
Gaming Simulation for visualizing decision making at the time of a disaster
- TOYODA YusukeAssociate Professor, College of Policy Science
The crisis to save the drinking water in Asia.
- SHIMIZU ToshiyukiSenior Researcher, Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization