Admissions Pamphlet
Admissions Overview
[Note: English Language Proficiency for College of Global Liberal Arts]
*The scores are a summary of the English language admission requirements for the ANU.
This policy may be updated from time to time. The most up-to-date information for RU applicants is available on the RU website as of the first date of the relevant application period.
For further information, please consult the Application Handbook.
GLA Pamphlet
GLA: Dual degree program with The Australian National University, College of Global Liberal Arts
The College of Global Liberal Arts (GLA) is the first in Japan to provide a college-wide dual degree program in collaboration with The Australian National University (ANU).

JDP Pamphlet
JD Program: American University - Ritsumeikan University Joint Degree Program, College of International Relations
This program was launched on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the College of International Relations. This course is the first joint undergraduate degree program between Japan and the United States.