For Prospective Students:
Introduction to GLA Key Features and Campus Life

GLA 立命館大学グローバル教養学部 College of Global Liberal Arts

Why Global Liberal Arts?

The College of Global Liberal Arts (GLA) at Ritsumeikan University is the first in Japan to launch a dual degree program with the College of Asia and the Pacific at the Australian National University (ANU).

This means that you will experience the combination of a liberal arts education at GLA and the world’s leading research university on the study of the Asia-Pacific at ANU.

Photos of Ritsumeikan and ANU campuses and students

What You Learn

Redefined liberal arts education based on a global standard, all taught in English.

Dual Degree Program

Students will be awarded degrees from both Ritsumeikan University and the Australian National University.

The GLA Community


Our flexible, dynamic, and inclusive curriculum allows students from various regions of the world to join the program – from Japan, Australia and Asia-Pacific countries.

Faculty and Staff

Meet our faculty and staff members who work closely to make the GLA learning experience possible.

Download Brochure

College of Global Liberal Arts Brochure 2025 Edition in English.

No upcoming events available at this time.

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Contact Us

The GLA Office

+81 72 665 2492

International Admissions Office

+81 75 465 8162

International Student Dormitory


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