Starting from Australia in February

For Students Admitted in 2019-22

This is a sample study plan for students starting from Australia in February (Cohort B).

This plan is a general example and can be subject to changes based on a student’s interest of the study, earned grades, course offerings, and / or other reasons beyond prediction. Students are highly encouraged to consult with the Academic Advising Center for questions.

Courses taken at ANU TR to RU
Year 1 FALL (ANU)
Courses taken at ANU TR to RU
Year 2 SPRING (RU)
CGL19ES 1001E * Intro to Global Liberal Arts I 4
CGL19IN 1801E Knowledge & Innovation 4
CGL19ES 1102E Research Design & Research Method 4
Select one of the following:
CGL19JA xxxxE One Japanese Studies Cluster course ** 4
CGL19xx xxxxE GLA Elective
Semester Subtotal 16
Year 2 FALL (RU)
CGL19ES 1002E * Intro to Global Liberal Arts II 4
CGL19CO 1601E Cultural Studies 4
CGL19CI 1701E Civilizations in Global History 4
CGL19ES 1101E Statistics 4
Semester Subtotal 16
Year 3 SPRING (RU)
CGL19CA 4001E *** Research Seminar I 4
CGL19xx xxxxE GLA Elective 4
CGL19xx xxxxE GLA Elective 4
CGL19xx xxxxE GLA Elective 4
Semester Subtotal 16
Year 3 FALL (RU)
CGL19CA 4002E *** Research Seminar II 4
CGL19CA 4901E Thesis 4
CGL19xx xxxxE GLA Elective 4
CGL19xx xxxxE GLA Elective 4
(CGL19xx xxxxE) (GLA Elective) (4)
Semester Subtotal 16(20)
Courses taken at ANU TR to RU
Year 4 FALL (ANU)
Courses taken at ANU TR to RU
Total Credit Hours (minimum required for RU) **** Min. 124

* Students are recommended to take Intro to Global Liberal Arts I & II during their first year at RU.
** Japanese Studies Cluster is necessary only if a corresponding course is not taken at ANU.
*** Students must earn a grade of C or higher in CGL19CA 4001E Research Seminar I before registering for CGL19CA 4002E Research Seminar II.
**** Of the 64-credit to be earned at ANU, maximum 60-credit will transfer and count toward the degree requirement at RU. All of these 64-credit will count toward the degree requirement at ANU.