Graduation Ceremony, September 2024

News August 26, 2024

RU Graduation Ceremony and GLA Degree Conferral Ceremony for 2024 September graduates will be held on September 22. It will be your day, and we look forward to celebrating the beginning of your new endeavors.



Thursday, September 5 at 6:30 a.m.: Check your graduation eligibility via Manaba+R.

ALL graduating students must answer the survey sent by the GLA Office after the announcement on graduation eligibility. Please note that the survey will also be used to confirm your attendance at the ceremony.


Ceremony Details

The university will hold the RU Graduation Ceremony, followed by the GLA Degree Conferral Ceremony and the Reception Party. Graduating students and family members are welcome to attend all the events.

* Non-graduating students are also welcome to attend. However, seats are prioritized for graduates, their families, and faculty and not guaranteed for non-graduating students.


. RU Graduation Ceremony


10:30-11:10, Sunday, September 22, 2024


OIC Grand Hall (Building B, 1st floor)


*The ceremony recording will be available on the RU’s official YouTube channel. No live streaming will be available.


II. GLA Degree Conferral Ceremony


11:40-12:30, Sunday, September 22, 2024

*11:10-11:40 Check-in


OIC B374 “Colloquium” (Building B, 3rd floor)

What to Bring

Student ID Card


1) Opening Remarks and Introduction of Attendees

2) Speech by the Dean of GLA

3) Speech by the ANU Representative

4) RU / ANU BAPA Degree Conferral

5) Speech from Graduates' Representative

6) Closing Remarks

7) Group Photo (GLA / ANU)


II. GLA Reception Party


12:40-14:10, Sunday, September 22, 2024


OIC Building G (G-House), 1st floor


*Refreshments provided.

*Not mandatory. You may leave in the middle of the reception.
*Commemorative photo wearing ANU gown (Not mandatory)

*Graduating students, family members, faculty, and current students are all welcome to attend.


Items you will receive at the GLA Degree Conferral Ceremony

Diploma (1 copy)

Certificate of Graduation (English, 1 copy)

Official Transcript (English, 1 copy)

Graduation Gifts


Students who wish to receive 2 or more certificate copies should check the procedure on the following website which will be released on September 5. (Required to make a reservation at a certificate issuing machine.)


What to do in case of absence

If you are absent from the ceremonies, the University will send your diploma and related documents to your home address. Shipping costs are at your expense. For more details, please refer to the email from the GLA Office sent after the announcement on graduation eligibility.

[Shipping Estimation]

Domestic: Around 1 – 3 days (Hokkaido and outlying islands may take around one week)

International: Around 2 - 3 weeks

[Items to be Shipped]

Diploma (1 copy)

Certificate of Graduation (English, 1 copy)

Official Transcript (English, 1 copy)


Rental / Purchase of the Ritsumeikan University Gown

The OIC Co-op shop will be offering gown rentals and sales; gowns may be worn starting at the RU Graduation Ceremony at 10:30. If you wish to rent/purchase the gown, please see the attached flyer and apply from the following link.

Infomation about gown and cap 

Application Form *Deadline: 3:00pm, Friday, August 30


* For those who have completed the dual degree program, ANU gowns are available for photo shoots at the GLA Reception Party. Because the number of gowns is limited, students cannot keep the ANU gowns for a long time and must give them to the next person immediately after the photo shoots.



Please make sure to bring your Student ID Card. Students must present it to attend ceremonies.

There is no dress code, but please come dressed in formal attire (appropriate for formal ceremonies).

Parents and family members are also welcome to attend the ceremonies. If they come from a country or region which is not visa-exempted, they must obtain a “short-term stay” visa in advance. Check details at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs WebsiteExternal Link.

* The University does not issue documents to support the visa application. Please present a screenshot of this page as necessary.

More information about the RU graduation ceremony will be posted on the website below as it becomes available.

NEWS & TOPICS|Ritsumeikan University

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