GLA students enjoy fieldwork at a local tofu manufacture founded in 1891

News May 14, 2019

Students sampling fresh tofu after the tour of the tofu factory.

On May 14, 2019, GLA students visited a local tofu manufacturer Fushimiya in Ibaraki city, Osaka. The fieldwork was organized and led by Associate Professor Ayumi Takenaka as a part of her course, “Research Design and Research Method.”

Students listening to the manufacturing process and company’s philosophy while sampling fresh tofu.

First, Mr. Ueda, the executive officer of Fushimiya, explained their manufacturing process and the company’s philosophy. After a tour of the factory, the students sampled fresh tofu. Throughout the visit, they took careful notes. In the next class, they will share their observations and what they learned.

A local tofu manufacturer, Fushimiya, in Ibaraki city, Osaka

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