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Graduate School of Policy Science Doctoral Program 3rd year
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I completed a bachelor’s degree in education from the Faculty of Education at Sriwijaya University in Indonesia. After completing my undergraduate studies, I pursued a master's program at the Faculty of Economics, also at Sriwijaya University. At the same time, I engaged in a teaching assistantship at the Faculty of Education, at Sriwijaya University, in addition to an honorary teaching position at a public secondary school. After completing my master's degree at the Faculty of Economics, I was hired as a civil servant by the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas of the Republic of Indonesia. Following a six-year tenure in the government sector, I was allowed to study for a doctoral program at Ritsumeikan University, specifically at the Osaka Ibaraki Campus, courtesy of a scholarship provided by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Relationship between university learning contents and the present.
Please explain why you chose to go on to postgraduate study.
As a teaching assistant at Sriwijaya University’s Faculty of Education, I engaged in discussion with many professors. This inspired me to pursue a higher degree and follow in their footsteps. In addition, my supervisor at Sriwijaya University, where I was pursuing my master’s in economics, insisted that women have the same possibilities as men to pursue a doctoral degree. Since then, I have sought a scholarship to continue my doctoral program in Indonesia or study abroad.
Please tell us why you chose the Graduate School of Policy Science from amongst a number of graduate schools.
I was assigned to the Sectoral Development Monitoring, Evaluation, and Control work unit in 2015 when I began working for the Ministry of National Development Planning. Throughout my six years of employment, I extensively evaluated development policies in various sectors, particularly the human resource development sector. Consequently, I recognized that my limited knowledge of policy science encouraged me to continue a doctoral program in graduate school of policy science.
Please describe your two years at the Graduate School (or three years if you are a doctoral student) what you put special effort into and which moments remain in your memory (learning, research, projects, undergraduate programs).
During my two years of study at the Graduate School of Policy Science, I acquired extraordinary research experience. I understand how compiling academic research reports differs from compiling government research reports, which is a matter I frequently do at my job. I was extraordinarily grateful to have a supervisor who provided me with extensive support and step-by-step guidance until I completed my first research. It's difficult work, but I genuinely appreciate my research and am increasingly eager to delve deeper into it. The curriculum program for the research project and research project advances, including individual tutorials and workshop sessions, requiring us to report research progress. This curriculum is excellent for encouraging students to work harder to complete research. This superb experience will be remembered in the future.
Based on the above, please explain if you feel that any of these experiences or acquired skills are being utilized in your current research.
The learning experience, as I stated previously, is very useful in carrying out the research I am currently working on, mainly for time management for completing research and compiling academic articles.
If you are currently working, please tell us about any relevance or interaction between your research and your own work.
I am a member of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas sectoral development monitoring, evaluation, and control work unit. I am researching policy evaluation in the education sector by analyzing government-implemented policies that still need to resolve development issues in the education sector in Indonesia. Because of this, my research is highly relevant to my professional duties. The outcomes of my research can serve as input for policy recommendations where I work to develop educational policy plans for the next period.
Challenges for the future
My goal is to complete my doctoral program and produce research articles that can contribute to the development of science. I intend to continue publishing academic papers in the public policy field and participate actively in international research organizations after completing my doctorate. My limited ability to write high-quality academic articles that stick to international journal standards is a challenge I face in achieving this objective.
What is the most attractive feature of the Graduate School of Policy Science for you?
An attractive feature of the policy science graduate school is a comfortable campus environment with the most excellent facilities, modern study, and workspaces in line with current developments; it truly merits the title of Japan's best campus by international standards. In addition, I have never encountered better service at Manaby station and Manaba page. The list of theses is a fascinating feature of the Graduate School of Policy Science's website, as it allows students to discover the research results produced by the Graduate School of Policy Science.
What is your message to prospective students of the Graduate School of Policy Science?
If you are a prospective student interested in the discipline of policy science and are looking for a campus where you will have a delightful learning experience, making three years feel like a concise amount of time, you should place the policy science graduate school at the top of your list of priorities. You will have access to the most excellent campus facilities, a pleasant campus environment, and, especially, professors who are experts in their fields are willing to assist and support you entirely in developing your competencies.