Voice Message
Graduate School of Policy Science Doctoral Program 2st year
- Sep 2016 - Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (B.A. in Sociology) - Admission
- Sep 2019 - Ritsumeikan University (CRPS) - Start of Study Abroad
- Aug 2020 - Ritsumeikan University (CRPS) - Completion of Study Abroad
- Aug 2020 - Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (B.A. in Sociology) - Graduation
- Sep 2020 - Ritsumeikan University (M.A. in Policy Science) - Admission
- Aug 2022 - Ritsumeikan University (M.A. in Policy Science) - Graduation
- Sep 2022 - Ritsumeikan University (Ph.D. in Policy Science) - Admission (Present)
Job Description
Please explain why you chose your current occupation, company, or place of higher education.
My desire to pursue graduate studies is driven by a mix of personal aspirations, academic interests, and practical considerations. The elements below elucidate my decision:
Aspiration to Teach: Since my high school years, I've been enthralled by the notion of contributing to academia as a lecturer. I hold educators in high regard for their roles in shaping curricula, fostering critical thinking, and guiding students through their academic pursuits. To fulfill this ambition and make a substantive contribution to the academic world, a Ph.D. is indispensable.
Transitioning from Learning to Exploring: My undergraduate studies furnished me with a foundational grasp of sociology. Yet, I believe there's much more to delve into. I aspire to shift from merely acquiring knowledge to actively pioneering inquiries within the field. Graduate studies provide the ideal platform for such endeavors.
Endorsement and Support: My decision wasn't reached in solitude. I've conferred with my family, who have given their steadfast support both emotionally and financially. Furthermore, discussions with current university lecturers have granted me a sharper insight into the trajectory and prospects this path can present.
Embracing the Challenge: Beyond analytical reasoning, I recognize that my choice is also spurred by an intrinsic desire to challenge myself and mature both personally and academically. Life affords us limited opportunities for such significant growth, and I'm fully invested in seizing this one with utmost enthusiasm.
In conclusion, my motivations for embarking on graduate studies are diverse, yet they converge on a singular objective: to evolve, contribute, and excel both as an individual and within the academic sphere.
Please describe your current work (research) in as much detail as possible.
In a quaint village in China, I was deeply enthralled by the intricate balance between the traditions of farmland reallocation customs and the longstanding institutions present. This environment resonates profoundly with historical, emotional, and cultural layers. My inquiry into this realm commenced during my master's studies, where I aimed to decipher how these informal practices were naturally woven into the daily lives of the villagers. Rather than being overshadowed by more formalized institutions, these customs stood out as an essential aspect of their existence. What lies at the core of this custom? Adopting a case study approach, I ventured into the depths of this village, using both quantitative and qualitative methods to offer a thorough examination. I am currently delving further to grasp the shared perspectives of those championing this practice. What drives its critics? Additionally, how do the dynamics between part-time and full-time farmers influence this dialogue? As I navigate this scholarly terrain, I find myself perpetually immersed in the interplay of traditions, convictions, and lifestyles, enriching my understanding at every turn.
Relationship between university learning contents and the present
Please tell us why you chose the Graduate School of Policy Science from amongst a number of graduate schools.
Upon deep reflection on my academic path, I recognized the vast potential of policy science, rich with a variety of methodologies tailored for my research aspirations. Here are the primary reasons I am drawn to GSPS:
Broadening Horizons in Policy Science and Research: My undergraduate studies in sociology exposed me to a wide range of research areas, from urban dynamics and rural intricacies to gender complexities and commercial landscapes. My particular interest, however, lies in the subtleties of rural farmland customs. Farmland is more than just a physical entity; it represents a melding of cultural, economic, political, and other facets. Traditional methods, whether pure ethnography or overarching theories like the structural functionalism, seem limited in scope. Delving deeply into rural farmland customs requires understanding the relationship between local communities and public governance, as well as balancing governmental authority with grassroots initiatives. This is where policy science becomes the ideal avenue for my research pursuits.
Emphasis on the Case Study: Within policy science, the case study is paramount. While the broad surveys on farmland provide valuable perspectives, case studies offer unmatched depth, revealing the detailed aspects of the topic. Methodologically speaking, policy science aligns perfectly with my research goals.
Pragmatic Perspectives: GSPS is unique in offering an exclusively English-based research curriculum. Such an offering is a rarity within Japan's graduate studies. For a student like me, who prefers English academic research, GSPS stands out as the prime option.
In conclusion, my decision to opt for GSPS stems from its synergy with my research passions; its methodological resonance.
Please describe your two years at the Graduate School (or three years if you are a doctoral student) what you put special effort into and which moments remain in your memory (learning, research, projects, undergraduate programs).
- Deep Dive into Japanese: Living and studying in Japan, I've come to realize that the Japanese language isn't merely a communication tool, but a gateway to understanding the nuances of Japanese society. With this insight, I've committed myself to mastering Japanese, culminating in achieving the JLPT N1 certification. This accomplishment has not only eased my day-to-day interactions in Japan but also paved the way for my integration into the academic community. I've been privileged to partake in academic activities within Japan, fostering deep connections with scholars across various disciplines, which has enriched my research immensely.
- Continuously Exploring My Potential: Throughout my three years at GSPS, I've consistently pursued opportunities to broaden my horizons. My engagements span from attending academic workshops. I also participated in the GSPS Regional Co-creation Project to discuss the implications of branded vegetables on producers. My stint as a teaching assistant fortified my aspirations for a future in academia. Moreover, my involvement in the Beyond Borders Plaza (BBP) and the Student Success Program (SSP) has endowed me with societal experiences. As a representative in GSPS class meetings, I played a role in maintaining the research room environment. A highlight of my experiences was partaking in Ritsumeikan's revitalization initiatives in Fukushima Prefecture, during which I made a courtesy visit to Mr. Uchibori, Governor of Fukushima Prefecture.
Based on the above, please explain if you feel that any of these experiences or acquired skills are being utilized in your current research.
Upon reflecting on my previous experiences, I sincerely acknowledge that each occurrence, irrespective of its significance, has left an indelible mark on my character and identity. The challenges I referenced earlier are closely connected to my present stature and progression. My journey is not an isolated series of events; rather, it is a continuous progression where each experience builds upon the other, molding and evolving my persona. Consider, for example, my pursuit of mastering the Japanese language. This pursuit allowed me to showcase my research within the esteemed Japanese academic circle, gaining valuable insights and recognition from my colleagues. More fundamentally, this journey underscores my ethos of taking the initiative and venturing into the unknown. This ethos has been instrumental in my choice of doctoral research and has consistently inspired me to confront and surmount various hurdles in both my scholarly and personal endeavors. Therefore, it is apt to state that every decision and step taken in the past has been instrumental in crafting the narrative of my current successes and insights.
Challenges for the future
As I embark on the intricate journey of doctoral studies, my ultimate aspiration is to attain the Ph.D. However, this quest is about more than the mere acquisition of a title, but rather encompasses a sustained trajectory of rigorous and structured academic exploration. In pursuit of this monumental goal, I confront a triad of formidable challenges:
- The Imperative of In-depth and Precise Research: It is essential that I remain steadfast in my commitment to continuously refine and deepen my research dimensions. Every deducted conclusion must stand resilient against stringent scrutiny, with each posited claim firmly anchored in a bedrock of comprehensive evidence and empirical data.
- The Quest for Scholarly Recognition: The true value of research extends beyond individual enlightenment, reaching into its resonance within the broader academic community. Through diverse scholarly engagements, such as seminars and workshops, I seek invaluable insights, feedback, and meaningful recognition from both peers and luminaries.
- The Mandate for Tangible Real-world Impact: I am charged with the responsibility of ensuring that my research transcends academic theorization, acting as a catalyst for tangible improvements in real-world settings, thereby effecting significant progress in my chosen field of study.
What is the most attractive feature of the Graduate School of Policy Science?
From my vantage point, the most attractive feature of GSPS is its unmatched freedom in research. This level of autonomy is a stark departure from many conventional approaches in the natural sciences, where students often find themselves bound by inflexible research frameworks. At GSPS, although the profound insights offered by esteemed professors, rigorous research endeavors, and specialized workshops are indispensable, it's the students who truly chart their academic trajectory. Such independence not only cultivates our ability for reasoning and research prowess, but it also ignites our passion and steadfast dedication to intellectual exploration. Moreover, the generous research grants provided by GSPS deserve particular recognition. For emerging scholars, this funding serves as a pivotal springboard, plunging them deeper into the realms of scholarly inquiry.
What is your message to prospective students of the Graduate School of Policy Science?
I wholeheartedly welcome you to the GSPS community. Your decision to join us instills a profound sense of excitement, particularly when I think about the potential depth and societal implications your research might reveal. Furthermore, I am eager to hear any insights or observations you might offer concerning my work. I am optimistic that the GSPS workshop will present a valuable platform for us to engage in enriching academic dialogues.
While I've shared extensively about my experiences, I encourage you to approach GSPS with an open mind. Commit with determination, and venture to forge a journey that's uniquely yours, brimming with challenges and exhilarations. Every individual's path is unique, and it's the effort and passion you invest that will make yours memorable.