
University Recommended Japanese Government Scholarship for September 2022 Enrollment

The Graduate School of Policy Science (GSPS), Ritsumeikan University (RU), will recruit master's course students from overseas for September 2022 enrollment accompanied by the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho; MEXT) University Recommendation Scholarship.

Application Guidelines and Forms for MEXT University Recommendation Scholarship-based admissions procedures for Sep 2022 enrollment are now online. Please click here to check the information.

Graduate School of Policy Science (GSPS) Application Guidelines and Application Form click here
Application Period: Dec 7, 2021 - Jan 11, 2022

The curriculum at GSPS is characterized by its focus on training graduate students who are poised to implement public policy development and practice in a comprehensive manner through participatory research and evidence-based policymaking. This is most clearly borne out in the "Master’s Program to Foster Leading Moderators for Co-creating Regional Development." This English-taught educational program fuses academic and scientific research theory with practical knowledge based on participatory research performed in actual policymaking contexts. This enables students to develop problem-solving skills to challenge complex policy science issues associated with regional development.

We offer an on-site subject named "Regional Co-Creation Research" to participate in field research activities at local governments or other non-profit organizations to intensively study actual policy issues related to regional development. Students are also advised to take on-campus lecture courses to learn theoretical and methodological basis of participatory research.

This Program was adopted by MEXT as one of “The International Priority Graduate Programs (PGP)–Advanced Graduate Courses for International Students-” in 2020. The Program would be suitable especially for students from ASEAN states but applications from other countries are not limited.

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