Message from the Dean

Professor and Dean
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
More than ten years have passed since entering the 21st century. Information travels around the world in an instant, and economic activities that go beyond borders are becoming increasingly active. Our lifestyles are supported by many technologies, and quality of life continues to improve even to this day. However, becoming a society with a high standard of living has brought upon us problems related to the environment and energy such as global warming, and we now must think about technology in terms of its potential contributions to the sustainable global society. Furthermore, here in Japan, there is a demand for the capability to cultivate new industries and create innovation in order to maintain global competitive strength. As the society of the 21st century becomes more diverse and complex, society has greater expectations towards graduate education in science and engineering than ever before.
The educational philosophy of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering is to foster advanced professionals and researchers that have mastered advanced theories and technologies related to specialized fields of science and engineering, and possess the ability to make creative discoveries. Additionally, in order to play an effective role on a global level, we must develop human resources who possess professional capabilities that meet international standards and who can globally transmit the results of world-class research. Academic fields in science and engineering require the accumulation of knowledge, and in order to reach the expectations of companies and society, it is necessary to provide a set period of time and training for students to learn fundamentals. Graduate School of Science and Engineering is a place where students can obtain profound knowledge in specialized fields and learn to apply them in practical settings by doing research. Through research, one’s own knowledge can be reconstructed and systematized, which makes it possible to accurately identify issues in leading areas of technology, and can lead to a new understanding.
We offer programs in four majors at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering: Advanced Mathematics and Physics, Advanced Electrical, Electronic and Computer Systems, Advanced Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, and Advanced Architectural, Environmental and Civil Engineering. Our graduate school is staffed with a team of professors that are capable of fulfilling our educational philosophy, and well-equipped with facilities such as laboratories that fulfill essential requirements for advancing education and research. Through our active advancement of joint research with the national government and corporations, our graduate school is also characterized by its strong partnerships with other organizations and its industry-government-academia collaboration. Our research capabilities are highly regarded on an international level, and our students present their research results not only here in Japan, but also in English at overseas academic conferences. Another program we are actively implementing is GRGP (Global-ready Graduate Program), a program where research is conducted at a university abroad for a set period of time. Almost half of our undergraduate program’s students advance to our graduate school, and after graduating, find employment in companies and organizations in science and engineering industries that provide the backbone to Japanese society, and the graduates play a central role in the front lines of society. That is why the educational system of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering places great importance on its connections to undergraduate education. As technology reaches new depths and continues to advance, new issues emerge. The Graduate School of Science and Engineering aims to foster human resources equipped with in-depth knowledge and skills that will act as leaders and work to resolve these issues, who will push forward with courage towards the creation of a new set of values and make a difference on a global scale.
Professor and Dean
Graduate School of Science and Engineering